Printing Item Labels

This section covers the following topics:

RF Print Label

You can print item labels from handheld devices using the RF Print Item Label module.

  1. Once you select Print Item Label from RF, you are presented with an option to enter the label printer.
    • If you tab out of this field without entering a printer, system will check if a default label printer has been configured for the logged in user. If a default label printer is not configured, the system displays a “Required Field” message forcing you to enter a printer.
    • If a default printer is configured for the logged in user, the system will ask if you would like to print the label to the default printer.
    • If this message is configured as a warning, you can either accept the message (using Ctrl+A) to print to default printer or hit Ctrl+W to go back to the printer field and enter a different label printer.
    • If this message is configured as an error, you are forced to go back (using Ctrl+W) and enter printer in the printer field.
      Note: If the message is not enabled, this message does not show up at all. The default printer is automatically populated in the printer field when you tab out of the printer field.
  2. After printer validations, you are prompted to scan the item barcode or vendor barcode.
  3. Finally you are prompted to enter the number of labels required to be printed for the scanned item. A quantity greater than 0 must be provided.
  4. If a customized item label that has been designed through label designer is configured, then the customized label will be printed. Else item label(s) will be printed based on base label format.

Print Multiple Copies of Labels

You can now print your desired number of Labels and Ship Labels by configuring the parameter “prompt-number-of-copies” to Yes for RF Print Label (rf.outbound.cwrfprintlpnlbl) and the parameter “prompt-number-of-labels-copies” to Yes for RF Print Ship Label (rf.outbound.cwrfprintshiplbl) screens.

Note: By default, the system prints only one label if you set the parameters to No.

Steps to Enable:

  1. Go to RF Print Label or RF Print Ship Label.
  2. Configure the "prompt-number-of-copies" or "prompt-number-of-label-copies"