Multi-Facility - SFTP PUT Files

Previously, the SFTP PUT files scheduled job supported only one facility. Also, some extra steps like copy files were required if the job had to send multiple files across different interfaces. As a result, the user would need to configure and maintain a large number of scheduled jobs, which could also overload the system.

To enhance ease and use of SFTP PUT, a new type of SFTP PUT Job, "Multi Facility - SFTP Put Files" is now available.

The following screen shows Multi-Facility – SFTP Put Files parameters:

Multi-Facility SFTP Put Files

Job Parameter Required Action from the User
Hostname Your remote SFTP hostname. For example: s
SFTP User Your remote SFTP user. For example: myremotesftp
Password Your remote SFTP password. For example: 567Password!
Port SFTP Port server. The default port is 22.
Remote Directory (Required)

Root folder where the file will be transferred to. At least one folder with an absolute path (/data for e.g.) must be provided.

Remote Sub Directory (Optional)

Sub directory under the Remote Directory where the file(s) will be transferred. If left blank, this job will replicate the WMS folder structure on the remote system, starting with each facility. The following are examples:

  • Left blank - files will be under <remote_directory>/facility/output/<interface type>
  • Specific Path is provided, say folder1/folder2 - Files will be under <remote_directory>/folder1/folder2
  • Specific Path with keyword {fac}, say {fac}/files - Files will be under <remote_directory>/facility1/files, <remote_directory>/facility2/files etc. "{fac}" is a keyword which allows the end user to still maintain a facility-based separation of files without recreating the complete folder structure
Interface (Required)

Represents a valid output interface. Attempting to provide an un-supported interface will give a meaningful error with the supported interfaces. Currently, the supported interfaces are:

Note: These are case-sensitive.
  • orderverification
  • iblpn_info
  • custinvsummary
  • lpn_inventory
  • shipping
  • invsummary
  • distribution_info
  • pallet_shipping_info
  • cntrshipping
  • wavepickinfo
  • oblpn_shipping_info
  • ibshipment
  • manifest
  • invhistory
  • iblpn_report
  • route_instruction
File Search Pattern (Required) Pattern to pick up files from WMS. for example, CINS*.csv or CINS*.
Note: "," comma is NOT supported here. "CINS,IHT*" will not work.
Max files to transfer (Optional) For one execution of the job maximum number of files to transfer. Leave blank to transfer all files
WMS username User eligible for the COMPANY under which all facilities will be considered for this job.