Oracle Warehouse Management (WMS) Cloud is discontinuing the SFTP site hosted by Oracle WMS Cloud (LogFire). The date for this shutdown is May 31, 2019. This was originally announced to customers last year. This document details alternatives that are available.

Prior to this change, customers were able to directly connect to the Oracle WMS Cloud SFTP site using their own username and password, to transfer input files for loading into the WMS or extracting output files. If you currently do not use this feature, then you can ignore this notification as it does not impact you.

Oracle recommends REST WebServices as the path forward for integration. This provides a much more real time integration, eliminates unnecessary scheduled jobs, and simplifies configuration. All interfaces available earlier via SFTP are available via REST WebServices. Please review the Integration API document for details. You can contact support if you do not have this document.

Customers that are not able to immediately switch to web services, have the option to host their own SFTP server (either their own or a third party one they can purchase on their own), and to transfer files into WMS and from WMS into their site. New scheduled jobs for this purpose were made available as of patch bundle 4a for version 18C and 9.0.0.

This document provides examples to show customers what needs to be configured, so they can get files from their new remote SFTP or put files from Oracle WMS Cloud to their new remote SFTP. In order to accomplish this, the new scheduled jobs have been created to allow you to either pull or get files:

  • SFTP GET Files
  • SFTP PUT Files
  • Multi Facility - SFTP Put Files

These jobs are designed to be configured in addition to your current input interface processing jobs and output interface configuration. No changes to your input interface processing job should be required normally. For output interfaces, there is a recommended change that will be useful to do since it will be more efficient and faster (see Recommended Change in SFTP PUT Files) for more details.

To set up the schedule job type, do the following:

  1. From the Scheduled Jobs screen, click Create (+).
  2. Populate all required fields and select the specific SFTP Job Type from the Job Type drop-down.

Scheduled Job Configuration

The following example explains the configuration needed to set up these two new jobs.

For the purpose of this example we will pretend we have the following information:

  • Current Oracle WMS Cloud SFTP information is:
    • Host: sftp://sftp.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com

      Username: Customer1

      Password: 123Password!

  • New Remote customer provided SFTP information is:
    • Host: sftp://clienthost.com

      Username: myremotesftp

      Password: 567Password!