Update/Delete an Externally Planned Order Detail

You can update the quantity for a planned order detail when the load planning is done via an external application and there are changes required in load planning, . Also, you can delete the planned load order detail.

To update an externally planned load quantity or order details for an order detail, do the following:

  1. Open the Planned OB Load Interface .xml file.
  2. Enter the Load Number (External Planned load) and Order details to update.

    Based on the planned_qty, the system updates the order details.

    Note: You can enter multiple order details to update the load. If you update the planned quantity > ordered quantity, the system displays an error message “Order detail {filter criteria used} interfaced has Planned Qty > Order Qty for the load {load_nbr}. Cannot proceed”.
  3. Enter the “UPDATE” action code at the load level.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Navigate to the Input Interfaces UI.
  6. Select Planned OB Load from the drop-down list.
  7. Click Upload and choose the saved Planned OB Load Interface .xml file.
  8. Click Upload.
  9. Click Run Interface to run the Planned OB Load interface file.

    You can observe the updated order details on the Order Details screen.

When you update the planned load quantity of an order detail, the following examples explain the system updates.

Example 1: Reducing the planned quantity.

Order Detail Before Planning:

Order Number SKU Order Sequence Order Quantity External Planned Load Number
ORD-01 SKU-1 1 100 EPL001

If you update the quantity from 100 to 80, the system updates the order detail as follows.

Order Number SKU Order Sequence Order Quantity External Planned Load Number
ORD-01 SKU-1 1 20
ORD-01 SKU-1 2 80 EPL001

Example 2: Reducing the planned quantity (order with multiple order details).

Order Details Before Planning:

Order Number SKU Order Sequence Order Quantity External Planned Load Number
ORD-02 SKU-1 1 100 EPL002
ORD-02 SKU-1 2 100 EPL003

If you update the quantity from 100 to 80 for EPL002, the system updates the order details as follows.

Order Number SKU Order Sequence Order Quantity External Planned Load Number
ORD-02 SKU-1 1 20
ORD-02 SKU-1 2 100 EPL003
ORD-02 SKU-1 3 80 EPL002

Example 3: Increasing the planned quantity (order with multiple order details).

Order Details Before Planning:

Order Number SKU Order Sequence Order Quantity External Planned Load Number
ORD-03 SKU-1 1 20
ORD-03 SKU-1 2 80 EPL004
ORD-03 SKU-1 3 100 EPL005

If you update the quantity from 80 to 100 for EPL004, the system updates the order details as follows.

Order Number SKU Order Sequence Order Quantity External Planned Load Number
ORD-03 SKU-1 1 100 EPL004
ORD-03 SKU-1 3 100 EPL005

To delete an externally planned order detail, do the following:

  1. Open the Planned OB Load Interface .xml file.
  2. Enter the Load Number (External Planned load) and Order details to delete.

    Based on the planned_qty, the system deletes the order detail. If you skip the planned_qty entry, the system deletes the load for the complete order detail quantity.

    Note: You can enter multiple order details to delete the load.
  3. Enter the “DELETE” action code at the load level to remove the order detail from the respective planned load.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Navigate to the Input Interfaces UI.
  6. Select Planned OB Load from the drop-down list.
  7. Click Upload and choose the saved Planned OB Load Interface .xml file.
  8. Click Upload.
  9. Click Run Interface to run the Planned OB Load interface file.

    You can observe that the deleted order detail quantity merges with the primary order detail on the Order Details screen.

Note: The system supports DELETE action code only when the load is in Created Status.

You can also use the “Reset Planned Load” action button on the Order Details screen to delete an externally planned load.

To delete an externally planned load on the Order Details screen, do the following:

  1. Go to the Order Details screen.
  2. Select the order detail(s) to delete the planned load.
  3. Click the Reset Externally Planned Load Nbr action button to delete the planned load for the selected order detail(s).

    The system displays a pop-up error message “Proceed with resetting Externally Planned Load Nbr?” to confirm.

  4. Click OK to confirm.

    The system confirms that the external planned load has been reset with unplanned quantity.You can observe the planned load deleted order detail quantity merges with the primary order detail on the Order Details screen.

Note: If you reset an externally planned load for an order detail that is partly shipped, the system updates the order detail status to shipped and creates a new order detail with the left-out quantity.

Example: Deleting a Planned load order detail.

Order Details Before Planning:

Order Number SKU Order Sequence Order Quantity External Planned Load Number
ORD-04 SKU-1 1 100
ORD-04 SKU-1 2 200 EPL006
ORD-04 SKU-1 3 300 EPL007

If you delete the sequence 2 order detail with EPL006 planned load (via Planned OB Load interface or “Reset Planned Load” action button), the system adds the quantity to the unplanned order detail.

Post deleting of order detail with planned load:

Order Number SKU Order Sequence Order Quantity External Planned Load Number
ORD-03 SKU-1 1 300
ORD-03 SKU-1 3 300 EPL007

In the above example, if an unplanned order detail is not available, then the system removes only the external planned load for the order detail.

For more details on editing order details, refer to Modify Ordered Quantity for Allocated or Partly Allocated Orders.