Bulk Update Inventory Attributes

POST …/wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/inventory/bulk_update_inventory_attributes/

This operation is used to update the inventory attributes of one or more inventory objects. Inventory in a Received or

Located IBLPN and inventory in an active location may be modified. Inventory history adjustment records will be written

for each inventory record successfully modified.

The attributes individually are not necessarily required, but in total at least one attribute must be provided to indicate

a change. Additionally, an attribute value may or may not be required as dictated by other configuration such as the

corresponding item’s attribute requirements or the location allowing mixing of attributes. Furthermore, the inventory

cannot be or have been allocated.

An empty string is a valid value to indicate removing the value from the corresponding attribute. Any attribute that is

omitted from the request data will retain its current value.

The “parameters” section of the request body is required in addition to the “options” section outlined below. The “id”

parameter filter (for a single value) or the “id__in” parameter (for an array of values) are valid and can be used.

Category Parameter Type Required Default Description
options invn_attr_a String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_b String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_c String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_d String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_e String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_f String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_g String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_h String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_i String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_j String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_k String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_l String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_m String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_n String C Target attribute value.
options invn_attr_o String C Target attribute value.
options commit_frequency Integer 1

0 = Roll back on first error.

1 = Commit per object.