Delink Serial Numbers

The Delink Serial Numbers API allows users to delink a list of serial numbers from an existing inventory in order for the system to write appropriate serial number records.

Note: Every serial number that is delinked from the targeted inventory should have corresponding serial Number History records. The Serial Number History UI should display the serial number with delinked action codes for IBLPN, OBLPN, and Active inventories.

You can delink a serial number using the following POST request:

POST .../{version}/entity/inventory/{id}/delink_serial_nbrs/

Additional details for this API include:

  • The delinking is successful for IBLPN and OBLPNs when the 'SERIAL_NUMBER_TRACKING_LEVEL' company parameter is set to 2.
  • The delinking is successful for only OBLPNs when the 'SERIAL_NUMBER_TRACKING_LEVEL' company parameter is set to 1.
  • The delink process is successful if the targeted inventory is non-decimal tracked.
  • The system returns an error message if the targeted inventory is not linked with any serial number.
  • The delink process is unsuccessful if the inventory associated with any LPN is either in Consumed, Shipped, Delivered, Cancelled, or Lost status.
  • The corresponding serial number history for delinking is recorded in the SerialNbrHistoryView UI screen for serial numbers that are delinked from IBLPNs/OBLPNs/Active inventories.
Sample Data formatJSON
"options" : {
"serial_nbr_list": [

