GET Inventory History

The Inventory History API allows you to query inventory histories for default Companies and Facilities configured for the user. Previously, inventory history was not supported or exposed as an entity in lgfapi. Now, users can fetch the inventory history as an entity since it has been exposed to the lgfapi.

You can get inventory history details with paginated results using the following GET request:


To fetch non-paginated result by specific 'ID':


To fetch paginated result by query string parameters:


To check for object existence or modification:

HEAD .../entity/inventory_history?key1=value1&key2=value2
HEAD .../entity/inventory_history/{id}

Query String Parameters

Since inventory history is a large table, to avoid performance issues, certain combinations of query string fields are required when querying using query parameters. One of the following combinations must be used (in addition to any other field):

  • company_id__code, facility_id__code, group_nbr
  • company_id__code, facility_id__code, history_activity_id, status_id
  • company_id__code, facility_id__code, history_activity_id, item_code
  • company_id__code, facility_id__code, history_activity_id, item_alternate_code
  • company_id__code, facility_id__code, history_activity_id, container_nbr

Support for ISO-8601 Format Date/Time Values

Note: The company parameter ENABLE_ISO_8601_OUTPUT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT gives you the ability to control the output format of date/time values in Inventory History and Shipped Load output. This will allow for all date/time output to be in the widely accepted and used ISO-8601 standard. This standard will not only give date, time, and date/time consistency across the output data, but it will provide the time zone offset from UTC as part of the date/time format.
The addition of the time zone context into the date/time value will allow external systems to know the actual time zone value and will remove any ambiguity. The ISO-8601 standard is a widely used and accepted format for exchanging date/time information between systems.
Date/Time Format Example
Type Format Example
Date yyyy-mm-dd 2020-08-01
Time HH:MM:SS 15:01:30
Datetime yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSz 2020-08-0IT15:01:30-04:00
Format Definition
YYYY 4 digit year
MM 2 digit month
DD 2 digit day
T The literal letter "T" used as a delimeter between the date and time components.
HH 2 digit hour (24-hour clock)
MM 2 digit minute
SS 2 digit seconds
z Time zone offset from UTC in the format (+/-)HH:MM