Close LPN

The Repack Close LPN API allows you to close the destination OBLPN (to OBLPN), based on the OBLPN information you send. This API is the second step to be done after you are done packing your inventory.



The Repack Close LPN API allows you to:
  • Close the destination OBLPN (to OBLPN) once packing is complete and move the OBLPN to 'Packed' status.
  • Define an LPN type for destination OBLPN (to OBLPN), and update the volume based on the LPN type
  • Define a delay for processing the request to end OBLPN.
  • When you do a repack for OBLPNs as a part of mode 3 cubing flow, the final OBLPN numbers are already decided by the system. But if you want to prematurely close the system suggested OBLPN, you can do so by closing the current OBLPN but mention the new OBLPN to be considered in place of the current OBLPN in the "new_to_oblpn_nbr" field.


Name Required Type Default Value Description
facility_id Integer Facility context by id
facility_id__code string Facility context by code
company_id Integer Company context by id.
company_id__code string Company context by code.
to_oblpn_nbr X string Destination OBLPN where contents were packed and is about to be closed
new_to_oblpn_nbr string This field will be used for substitution of destination OBLPN (to OBLPN),
to_oblpn_lpn_type string LPN Type for the the destination OBLPN (to OBLPN)
  • Destination OBLPN (to OBLPN) is updated to status “Packed.”
  • Respective order and order detail associated with the OBLPN is updated to status “Packed.”
  • IHT 11 container packed is written for the destination OBLPNs being packed.
  • IHT 85 order detail status change and IHT 20 order status change is written for the orders associated with the OBLPN.
  • If OBLPN type is provided, the destination OBLPN must be updated with that LPN type, the volume for the OBLPN should be calculated based on the LPN type dimesions, and the existing dimensions for the OBLPN are cleared.

Example Request Body

    "facility_id__code": "FAC",
    "company_id": 1,
    "to_oblpn_nbr": "OBLPN0001",
    "to_oblpn_lpn_type": "KNMEDBOX1" 