Pack Inventory

The Pack Inventory API allows you to pack inventory based on the source OBLPN (from OBLPN), item, quantity and the destination OBLPN (to OBLPN) information you send. In repack pack inventory, the system currently allows sending only one packing detail per request.



Request Level Parameters

Name Required Type Default Description
facility_id Integer Facility context by id
facility_id__code String Facility context by code
company_id Integer Company context by id
company_id__code String Company context by code
restrict_multiorder_combine_flg Boolean False

When 'False', destination OBLPN can be repacked from source OBLPNs having different orders.

When 'True', destination OBLPN can't be repacked from source OBLPN having different orders and the destination OBLPN will always have inventory corresponding to a single order

suppress_serial_warning_flg Boolean True

When 'True', system will not validate serial number validations that are of type warning

When 'False', both validations of type warning and error will be treated as errors

from_oblpn_nbr X String

OBLPN/temporary tote that is going to be repacked

item_alternate_code C string Item identifier
item_barcode C string Item identifier
qty X number 0

If short_flg is false, Quantity to be packed into destination OBLPN from source OBLPN

If short_flg is true, Quantity to be shorted in source OBLPN

allocation_uom string "UNITS", "PACKS", "CASES", LPNS"
uom_qty number Provides the inventory/standard pack qty or case qty when allocation_uom is 'PACKS' or 'CASES'

Gor FULL LPN type: quantity can be <= to the total quantity of the source OBLPN, since user may be packing into multiple to OBLPNs.

batch_nbr C string Inventory batch/lot - should be provided if the inventory to be packed has batch number
expiry_date C date Expiry date of inventory present in the picked OBLPN (From OBLPN). Format - YYYY-MM-DD. Should be provided if the inventory to be packed has expiry date

invn_attr_a to


C string Inventory attributes A to O specified on the inventory. Should be provided if the inventory to be packed has inventory attributes
serial_nbr_list C list List of serial numbers for the inventory packed (single SKU can have multiple serial numbers)
to_oblpn_nbr X string Destination OBLPN where contents are going to be packed into
orig_to_oblpn_nbr string This field will be used for substitution of destination OBLPN (to OBLPN), detailed in story .
to_oblpn_lpn_type string LPN Type for the the destination OBLPN (to OBLPN)
packing_station_barcode string Packing station location identifier, location barcode to be provided
short_flg Boolean False

short_flg = false; quantity provided will be Packed.

short_flg= true; quantity provided will be shorted.

  • Destination OBLPN (to OBLPN) is updated to status “In Packing”
  • System reduces the packed quantity for the source LPN based on the quantity packed
  • System increases the packed quantity for the destination OBLPN based on the quantity packed
  • IHT 10 container detail packed is written for the destination OBLPNs being packed
  • IHT 85 order detail status change and IHT 20 order status change is written for the orders associated with the OBLPNs that are being packed
  • If the complete source OBLPN is packed into destination OBLPN, the source OBLPN is moved into cancelled status and IHT 32 OB container cancelled is written for the source OBLPN
  • Based on the Expiry Date/inventory attribute/batch number values passed in the request, system packs the respective inventory from the source OBLPN into destination OBLPN
  • If OBLPN type is provided, destination OBLPN must be updated with that LPN type, volume for the OBLPN is calculated based on the LPN type dimensions and the existing dimensions for the OBLPN are cleared
  • WMS activity is written for the packing activity being done

Sample JSON Request

    "facility_id__code": "FAC", 
    "company_id": 1,
    "restrict_multiorder_combine_flg": True,
    "from_oblpn_nbr": "TMPOBLPN0001",
    "item_alternate_code": "ITEM0001",
    "qty": 5,
    "expiry_date": "2024-02-24", 
    "invn_attr_a" : "TESTA", 
    "invn_attr_b" : "TESTB", 
    "invn_attr_c" : "TESTC", 
    "invn_attr_d" : "TESTD", 
    "invn_attr_e" : "TESTE", 
    "invn_attr_f" : "TESTF", 
    "invn_attr_g" : "TESTG", 
    "invn_attr_h" : "TESTH", 
    "invn_attr_i" : "TESTI", 
    "invn_attr_j" : "TESTJ", 
    "invn_attr_k" : "TESTK", 
    "invn_attr_l" : "TESTL", 
    "invn_attr_m" : "TESTM", 
    "invn_attr_n" : "TESTN", 
    "invn_attr_o" : "TESTO",     
    "to_oblpn_nbr": "OBLPN0001",
    "to_oblpn_type": "KNMEDBOX1",
    "packing_station_barcode": "KNP0101",
    "short_flg": false


If Short flag is set to True, then it should allow:

  • Source OBLPN provided by user is considered for shorting
  • User must provide source OBLPN, item and quantity to be shorted in the request
  • Currently, we are not planning to provide an option for shorting all remaining contents in the source OBLPN (this is to avoid concurrency issues during multiple API requests).
  • If the inventory to be shorted has inventory attributes/batch number/expiry date - the respective values should also be provided during shorting, so that the system is aware of exact inventory to be shorted

Sample JSON Request

    "facility_id__code": "FAC", 
    "company_id": 1, 
    "from_oblpn_nbr": "TMPOBLPN0002",
    "item_alternate_code": "ITEM0001",
    "qty": 2,
    "to_oblpn_nbr": "OBLPN0002",
    "short_flg": true
  • In the sample request above, once the request is successfully processed, "TMPOBLPN0002" OBLPN will be shorted by 2 units for "ITEM0001."

Serial Number Support

Serial number is supported during packing through Repack API. This tells you which serial number inventory is packed in the respective request sent. In your request you can send a serial number list. Sending serial numbers during repack API is not mandatory.
"suppress_serial_warning_flg" - this flag helps users bypass warnings validations and improve speed of packing validations. The default of this flag is True, but if you want to be strict about these validations, you can set flag as 'False'.
Note: New serial numbers are allowed irrespective of whether company parameter SERIAL_NUMBER_TRACKING_LEVEL is set to '1' and '2'.

Sample Request with Serial Number:

	 "facility_id__code": "FAC", 
	 "company_id": 1, 
	 "from_oblpn_nbr": "TMPOBLPN0001",
	 "item_alternate_code": "ITEM0001S",
	  "serial_nbr_list": [ <== Single Inventory can have multiple serial numbers.
	                          "SLN3" ],
	  "to_oblpn_nbr": "OBLPN0001", 
	  "short_flg": false