Full LPN

The Full LPN Replenishment API allows you to send Replenishment information for a Full LPN.

POST .../lgfapi/v10/replenishment/full_lpn

Request Parameters

Name Required Type Default Description
mhe_mode_flg Boolean Facility context by id.
async_flg Boolean Facility context by code.

Replenishment List

Name Required Type Default Description
facility_id__code String Facility context by code.
company_id___code String Company context by code.
replen_wave_nbr x String Associated replenishment wave.
from_container_nbr x String From container number
sub_container_nbr Optional String Substitution container number
mhe_system_code Optional String MHE system.
short_flg Boolean False is this a short?

Request JSON Example

"mhe_mode_flg": true,
 "async_flg": true,
  "replenishment_list": [{
   "facility_id__code": "QATST01",    
   "company_id__code": "QATSTPC",    
   "replen_wave_nbr": "WVQATSTPC072935",    
   "sub_container_nbr": "CPOBLPN0106",             
   "mhe_system_code": "picktolight",                   
   "short_flg": false },
  { "facility_id__code": "QATST01",
    "company_id__code": "QATSTPC",
    "replen_wave_nbr": "WVQATSTPC072935",  
    "sub_container_nbr": "CPOBLPN0126",        
    "mhe_system_code": "picktolight",                  
    "short_flg": false }]