Move LPN

The Move LPN API allows you to facilitate the initial movement of the Replenishment process which will move the LPN(s) from a source location to a drop location.

Note: This REST API will only support Full LPN replenishment allocations.

You can perform Move LPN with the following POST request:

Post Request : POST .../lgfapi/v10/replenishment/move_lpn

Request Body

    "location": "AAAAA",
    "move": [
        { --normal full LPN pick
            "facility_id__code": "CM101",
            "company_id__code": "CM_COMP",
            "from_container_nbr": "CNTST0100031583",
            "pallet_nbr": "IBLPN123",
            "mhe_system_code": "AGV",
            "short_flg": "False",
            "update_invn_onshort": "No"
        {-- full LPN shorting pick
            "facility_id__code": "CM101",
            "company_id__code": "CM_COMP",
            "from_container_nbr": "CNTST0100031584",
            "pallet_nbr": "IBLPN123",
            "mhe_system_code": "AGV2",
            "short_flg": "True",
            "default_reason_code": "reason2",
            "update_invn_onshort": "yes"
        { -- full LPN substitution
            "facility_id__code": "CM101",
            "company_id__code": "CM_COMP",
            "from_container_nbr": "CNTST0100031583",
            "sub_container_nbr": "CPOBLPN0106",
            "pallet_nbr": "IBLPN123",
            "mhe_system_code": "AGV",
            "short_flg": "False",
            "update_invn_onshort": "No"
Note: If shorting using the “short_flg” set to True, you have the option to provide a default reason code with a valid reason code, and update_invn_on short to make sure the correct update happens to the inventory and the location in the parameter must be a drop location.