Get Next Distribution

On performing distribution, you may want to anticipate the next pick information for the inventory. To get this information, you can use the Get Next Distribution API. Its input parameters are the same and the response has similar format as an individual record from Get All Distributions. Get Next Distribution is just giving the top result that you would get from Get All Distributions rather than a list.


POST /entity/iblpn/{id}/get_next_distribution/


Name Required Type Description
item_barcode N String If populated, only includes allocations for this item
Location_barcode N String If populated, gets next allocation starting from this location. If no matching is found for this barcode, it will be ignored.

Example Request Body


"options": { 

       "item_barcode": "ITM0001",  

      "location_barcode": "location0001"  



IBLPN Lookup by Filter

POST /entity/iblpn/get_next_distribution/


Name Type Required Description
container_nbr String Y IBLPN to distribute.
facility_id Integer N IBLPN's facility.
company_id Integer N IBLPN's company.

Example Request Body


 "parameters": {        

"container_nbr": "IBLPN00001",    


  "options": { 

"item_barcode": "ITM0001",     

"location_barcode": "location0001"  

