Get All Distributions

The Get All Distributions API allows you to fetch all the current distributions available for the LPN.

Two options are available for you to filter the results. Item Barcode and Location Barcode. If you use the Item Barcode, the system will filter only the results for that Item. If you use location barcode, the system will sort the results with that location at the top, but it does not exclude other locations.

IBLPN Lookup by ID

POST /entity/iblpn/{id}/get_all_distributions/

Example Request Body


  "options": { 

       "item_barcode": "ITM0001", 

       "location_barcode": "location0001"



IBLPN Lookup by Filter

POST /entity/iblpn/get_all_distributions/


Name Type Required Description
container_nbr String Y IBLPN to distribute
facility_id Integer N IBLPN's facility
company_id Integer N IBLPN's company

Example Request Body


 "parameters": {  

      "container_nbr": "IBLPN00001",


  "options": {      

  "item_barcode": "ITM0001", 

  "location_barcode": "location0001" 



Distribution Response Structure

Name Type Description
alloc_id Integer Allocation ID
alloc_qty Number Allocation quantity
alloc_uom String Allocation UOM
alloc_uom_qty Number Allocation UOM quantity
extra_included_allocs Array

This is used when a single pick is made of multiple allocations

from_invn_id Integer From inventory ID
item_allow_decimal_qty Boolean Flag representing if we should allow decimals in item quantity
item_alternate_code String Item alternate code
item_barcode String Item barcode
item_code String Item code
item_display String Item display
item_external_style String Item external style
item_id Integer Item ID
item_inner_pack_qty Number Item inner pack quantity
item_std_case_qty Number Item standard case quantity
location_barcode String Location barcode
location_display String Location display
location_id Integer Location ID
location_type String Location type
oblpn_nbr String OBLPN number
order_nbrs Array Order numbers
picked_qty Integer Picked quantity
skipped_alloc_id_list Array Array of skipped allocation IDs
style String Item style