
The Distribute API allows you to perform distribution on the selected LPN.

Request by ID

POST /entity/iblpn/{id}/distribute/


Name Required Type Description
Alloc_uom N String Allocation UOM: Units, Packs, Cases, Cases then Packs.
Req_host_oblpn_nbr N String When true, requires order details to have a host OBLPN number.
allow_residuals N Boolean Option to allow distribution with residuals.
mhe_system_code N String Code for MHE system integration.

Example Request Body


 "options": {   

     "alloc_uom": "units", 

     "require_host_oblpn_nbr": false,

      "allow_residuals": true, 

     "mhe_system_code": "system_code"



Request by Filter

POST /entity/iblpn/distribute/


Name Type Required Description
container_nbr String Y IBLPN to distribute
facility_id Integer N IBLPN's facility.
company_id Integer N IBLPN's company
Note: Only a single IBLPN may be distributed per request. The __in lookup is not supported for container_nbr.

Example Request Body


"parameters": { 

       "container_nbr": "IBLPN00001",    


 "options": {  

      "alloc_uom": "units",  

      "require_host_oblpn_nbr": false, 

       "allow_residuals": true,  

      "mhe_system_code": "system_code" 

