Quality Check Approve/Reject

The QC Approve API allows you to approve QC marked IBLPNs. You can perform quality check by using external quality check modules with custom verification methods without accessing the UI or RF QC complete module in Oracle WMS Cloud.

QC Approve

The following are some ways for calling the QC Approve API:

Using the Wave Template ID:

  • POST.../entity/iblpn/{id}/qc_approve/
Note: No additional `parameters` data in the request body is required.

Using the Container Number:

  • POST.../entity/iblpn/qc_approve/
Note: The API body should include facility id/code, company id/code and container number. You can also send the Vendor Performance code as an option in the API request body.

Using the Bulk QC Approve:

  • POST.../entity/iblpn/bulk_qc_approve/
Note: The API body should have either the container IDs or container numbers in the. You can also send the Vendor Performance code as an option in the API request body.

Once quality check is approved, the container status becomes Received with QC status as QC approved.

QC Reject

The following are some ways for calling the QC Reject API:

Using the Wave Template ID:

  • POST.../entity/iblpn/{id}/qc_reject/
Note: You can send the Vendor Performance code and Lock code as options in the API request body.

Using the Container Number:

  • POST.../entity/iblpn/qc_reject/
Note: The API body should include facility id/code, company id/code and container number. You can also send the Vendor Performance code and Lock code as options in the API request body.

Using the Bulk QC Approve:

  • POST.../entity/iblpn/bulk_qc_reject/
Note: The API body should have either the container IDs or container numbers in the. You can also send the Vendor Performance code Lock code as options in the API request body.

If you do not send the unallocatable lock code, the rejected LPNs get cancelled. If the lock code parameter is populated with a unallocatable lock code, the system marks the QC rejected LPNs as received with QC status as QC Rejected. You cannot provide allocatable lock codes to reject an IBLPN.