Replenish to Active

The replenish_to_active API allows you to complete an open replenishment task for an active location.

You can replenish to active with the following POST request:

POST .../lgfapi/v10/replenishment/replenish_to_active/
Note: The Replenish to Active API is recommended only for Full LPN Resplenishment Task Types. . This API has limited capabilities and may be deprecated in a future release. Consider using the Full LPN API.


The following table provides details about the Input Parameters/Filters:

Name Required Type Default Description
facility_id integer Facility context by id.
facility_id__code string Facility context by code.
company_id integer Company context by id.
company_id___code string Company context by code.
  • Used if the replenishment is in a context other than the requesting user's default.
  • The requesting user's default facility/company context will be assumed if values are not provided.
  • Either "facility_id" or "facility_id__code" may be used, but not both.
  • Either "company_id" or "company_id___code" may be used, but not both.

The following table details the functional options:

Name Required Type Default Description
task_id C integer "id" of task to be completed.
task_id__task_nbr C string Business key for task to be completed.
replen_location_id C integer "id" of active location to be replenished.
replen_location_id__barcode C string Barcode of active location to be replenished
qty decimal Allocation Qty Quantity to replenish.
  • Either "task_id" or "task_id__task_nbr" is required.
  • Either "replen_location_id" or "replen_location_id__barcode" is required.
  • If 'qty' is not provided, the full allocation quantity of the associated allocation will be used.
    • If 'qty' is provided, it must be greater than 0.

The following is an example body for Replenish Location ID Barcode:

"facility_id": 1,
"company_id_code": "COMPANY",
"task_id": 1,
"replen_location_id__barcode": "LOCN1"