Sort LPN Close Pallet

The Sort LPN/Close Pallet API is used as part of the inbound sorting process which groups LPNs to pallets in sort locations. This API mimics the RF IB Sort LPN module which calls the Sort LPN Close IB Pallet back end entry point with parameters.

You can Sort LPNs and Close Pallet with the following POST requests:

POST .../entity/pallet/close_inbound_sorting/
POST .../entity/pallet/{id}/close_inbound_sorting/

The following table provides details about the Input Parameters/Filters used to identify the target pallet:

Name Required Type Default Description
facility_id integer Facility context by id.
facility_id__code string Facility context by code.
company_id integer Company context by id.
company_id___code string Company context by code.
pallet_nbr X string Target sort pallet.
  • The pallet will be created if it doesn't exist.
  • The requesting user's default facility/company context will be assumed if overrides are not provided.

The following table details the functional options:

Name Required Type Default Description
create_replen_task_flg boolean True Generate a replenishment task on close?
task_type_description string Required type description for generated replen task. Valid when create_replen_task_flg = True.

Default valid LPN statuses:

  • Located
  • Allocated
  • Packed

The following is an example body for Create Replenishment Task Flag:

"parameters": {
"facility_id": 1,
"company_id_code": "FOO",
"pallet_nbr": "PALLET001"
"options": {
"create_replen_task_flg": true,
"task_type_description": "My Task Type"


Response Status:

  • 204 - No content
    • Operation successfully completed.
  • 400 - Validation error
  • 500 - Internal server error