Sort LPN

The Sort LPN API allows you to sort an LPN to a Pallet in a sort location mimicking what the RF Inbound Sorting process does. The RF modules include: RF Sort LPN, and RF Inbound Sort Location.

You can sort an LPN to a pallet in a sort location with the following POST request:

POST .../entity/pallet/sort_lpn/

The following table provides details about the Input Parameters/Filters used to identify the target pallet:

Name Required Type Default Description
facility_id integer Facility context by id.
facility_id__code string Facility context by code.
company_id integer Company context by id.
company_id___code string Company context by code.
pallet_nbr X string Target sort pallet.
  • The pallet will be created if it doesn't exist.
  • The requesting user's default facility/company context will be assumed if overrides are not provided.

Functional Options

Name Required Type Default Description
container_nbr X string LPN being sorted to pallet.
sort_zone X string Destination sort zone.
sort_location_barcode X string Destination sort location.
sort_to_inventory string "pallet-call-directed-putaway" Sort method.
allow_received_status_flg boolean False Allow sorting of IBLPN in Received status.
allow_picked_status_flg boolean False Allow sorting of OBLPNs in Picked status.
  • Default valid LPN statuses:
  • Located
  • Allocated
  • Packed

The following is an example body for Sort LPN to Pallet:

"parameters": {
"facility_id": 1,
"company_id_code": "FOO",
"pallet_nbr": "PALLET001"
"options": {
"container_nbr": "LPN001",
"sort_zone": "ZONE01",
"sort_location_barcode": "BRCD001",
"sort_to_inventory": "pallet-call-directed-putaway"

Response Status

  • 204 - No content
  • Operation successfully completed.
  • 400 - Validation error
  • 500 - Internal server error