Undo Wave

The Undo Wave API allows you to invoke the wave template. With the introduction of this API, external systems or PaaS solutions can be integrated which will allow you to undo a wave without accessing the web UI screen.

The following are some ways for calling the Undo Wave API:

Using the Wave Template ID

  • POST .../entity/wave/{id}/undo
Note: No additional `parameters` data in the request body is required.

Using the Wave Run Number

  • POST .../entity/wave/undo/
Note: The API body should include facility id/code and the wave run number.

When the parameter UNDO_WAVE_EVEN_AFTER_PICKING is set to 'No,' the system will not undo a Wave if picking is started. If the parameter is set to 'Yes,' the application allows undo wave even after picking has started.

Category Name Required Type Description
parameters run_nbr X string Wave Number
parameters facility_id Integer Facility context by id
parameters facility_id__code string Facility context by code
  • User should be able to provide either wave run_nbr or id.
  • Login context will be set up based on the facility id/facility_id__code provided.
  • Only one of `facility_id` or `facility_id__code` may be provided.
  • The above mentioned URL should undo the wave template ( Allocation should be cancelled for the order defined in the wave search set up in the wave template)

Sample Data Format JSON

    "parameters": {
        "facility_id__code": "FAC-1",
        "run_nbr": "128935"