Run Template

The Run Template API allows you to invoke the wave template.

The following are some ways for calling the Wave Template API:

Using the Wave Template ID

  • POST .../entity/wave_template/{id}/run_template/
Note: No additional `parameters` data in the request body is required.

Using the Wave Template Name

  • POST .../entity/wave_template/run_template/
Note: The API body should include facility id/code and the wave template name.
  • The wave template name provided in the body should correspond to the default facility code or to your eligible facility.
  • If the company parameter "ONLY_ONE_WAVE_PER_FACCO" is configured to ‘No’ and if there is already a wave running for the same wave template, the system will not allow you to invoke the wave to send in the API request.

Category Name Required Type Description
parameters facility_id Integer Facility context by id
parameters facility_id__code string Facility context by code
parameters template_name X string Wave Template Name that users intend to run
  • Only one of `facility_id` or `facility_id__code` may be provided.
  • If more than one object is found, an error should be returned.


Category Name Type Description
options company_id Integer Company context by id
options company_code string Company context by code
  • This is used to set the user's company context corresponding to the wave template's facility.
    • This also ensures the correct company parameters are referenced.
    • If not provided, the user's default company is assumed.

Sample Request Body Data Format JSON

    "parameters": {
        "facility_id": "1",
        "template_name": "KHWAVE001"
    "options": {
        "company_code": "CO1"

Response Body

  • Upon successful invocation of the wave return response code HTTP 202 - Accepted.
    • API will run in asynchronous mode only, once API is invoked basic validations will be done and corresponding wave number generated will be shared in the response. Users will need to poll the "wave" entity using this information to know when the wave is complete.

Sample Response Body Data Format JSON

    "run_nbr": "WAVE001"