Run Manual Wave

The Run Manual API allows you to invoke a manual wave. The following are some potential scenarios and reasons for running the wave using a Rest API:

  • External systems or PaaS Solutions can be built with the option to run a manual wave screen. These systems may have their own order entry or display screen and running an API will allow them to invoke waves.

    The following are some ways for calling the Manual Wave:

    Using the Wave Template ID:

    POST .../entity/wave_template/{id}/run_manual/

    Note: ID corresponds to a valid Wave template ID. The API body should contain the list of corresponding Order detail IDs for which the wave is run.

    Using the Wave Template Name:

    POST .../entity/wave_template/run_manual/

Note: The API body should include facility id/code, company id/code, wave template name, and corresponding Order Detail ID's, or Order Number and Sequence number combination.

Example Request Body Parameters to Identify Wave Template

    "parameters": {
        "facility_id": 1,
        "template_name": "Wave Template"
    "parameters": {
        "facility_id__code": "FAC1",
        "template_name": "Wave Template"

Identifying the Order Details

  • User can provide either a list of specific order detail id(s), or a list of order number / sequence number pairs.
    • Only one of the two inputs may be provided in a single request.
  • The data is provided in the "options" section of the request body.

Identifying Order Details by ID

    "options": {
          "order_dtl_id_list": [1, 2, 3, 4]
  • "order_dtl_id_list" is always a list, even if a single id is provided.
    • The list may not be empty.

Identifying Order Details by Order Number - Sequence Number Pairs

    "options": {
          "order_seq_nbr_list": [
	          "order_nbr": "ORD1",
    		  "seq_nbr_list": [1]
		  "order_nbr": "ORD2",
  		  "seq_nbr_list": [3, 4, 5]
  • order_seq_nbr_list is a list of objects grouping the different order number and sequence number combinations.
    • "seq_nbr_list" is always a list, even if a single sequence number is provided.
      • The list may not be empty.

Setting the Company Context

  • Users may optionally specify the company context by including either the "company_id" or "company_code" in the "options" section of the request required to:
    1. Specify a valid facility/company combination when changing the user's context from the default.
    2. Ensure any company parameters used in the functionality are of the correct company.
	    "options": {
	        "company_id": 1
	    "options": {
	        "company_code": "COM1"