9.4 Component Properties

The Properties Panel displays various settings for components selected in the Design Canvas.

Depending on the component selected, you may see any of the following icons:

  • General (General) - Displays the name of the component along with its connection and schema details. You can edit some of these properties.
  • Attributes (Attributes) - Displays the details of all the attributes associated with the component.
  • Column Mapping (Column Mapping) - Allows you to map all the columns automatically. See Map Data Columns for more information.
  • Preview (Preview) - Displays a preview of the component. For Oracle tables, you can also view the statistics of the selected data entity. See View Statistics of Data Entities for details about the statistical information available.
  • Options (Options) - Displays options such as
    • Truncate Table - Replaces any existing target table content with new data.
    • Append - Inserts records from the flow into the target. Existing records are not updated.
    • Incremental - Integrates data in the target table by comparing the records of the flow with existing records and updating the records when their associated data is not the same. Those that don't yet exist in the target are inserted.
      The option includes an Auto compression feature that is set to True by default. For data flow jobs that use the Incremental Update mode to load data onto a compressed Oracle target partition, the Auto compression feature recompresses the modified target partitions after the load completes successfully. For table partitions that are not originally compressed, the compression is skipped irrespective of whether Auto compression is set to true.


      The Auto compression option is available to the ADMIN user or to a user with the DWROLE role. For data flows that have schema users other than ADMIN you need to either assign the DWROLE to the user or disable Auto compression to avoid execution errors.