7.5 View Statistics of Data Entities

The Preview tab displays detailed statistics of each data entity.


This feature is available for Oracle database tables only.
You can view the statistics of a selected data entity in one of following ways:
  • In the Data Entities list, click the Actions icon (Actions icon) next to the Data Entity and click Preview. Select the Statistics tab to view the statistics of the selected data entity.
  • On any data flow click on any source or target data entity, and expand the properties panel in the right pane. Click Preview.

The statistical data is presented as follows:

  • The total number of rows and columns in the data entity is displayed at the top.
  • The statistics panel displays the thumbnail graphs for each column with information about the Min, Max, Distinct, and Null values.
  • Two types of thumbnail representations are displayed based on the histogram:
    • A bar chart represents data for frequency and top-frequency histograms. The bar chart show the first top 10 values for the number of rows in the table.
    • A table lists data for Hybrid and Height-Balanced histograms. The table displays the entire data and is scrollable. The table displays the range for the values and the percentage of rows in each range.
  • You can click each thumbnail to view the statistics of the column in a new browser tab.
  • The detailed view of each chart also shows the type of histogram.