7.4 Create Data Entities within the Data Flow editor

If you have already created or imported your target data entity, then you would drag the data entity onto the Design Canvas and complete the column mappings and options.

To create the definition of a new target table while in the Data Flow editor,

  1. Select the component at the end of your data flow.
  2. Click the Add Data Entity icon Add Data Entity icon present on the top right corner of the target component.
  3. Add Data Entity page appears allowing you to configure the following details of the target component:

    General tab

    • In the Name text box, enter the name of the newly created Data Entity.
    • The Alias text box is auto-populated with the name of the newly created Data Entity.
    • From the Connection Type drop-down, select the required connection from which you wish to add the newly created Data Entity.
    • It loads the server name coined at the time of connection creation. From the Server drop-down, select the required server name from which you wish to add the newly created Data Entity.
    • From the Schema drop-down, select the required schema.
    • Click Next.

    Columns tab

    It allows you to create, remove or edit the column definitions.

    • Click the Add Columns icon Add Columns icon, to add new columns to the newly created Data Entity.

      A new column is added to the displayed table.

    • The table displays the following columns:
      • Name
      • Data Type - Click the cell to configure the required Data Type.
      • Scale
      • Length
      • Actions - Click the cross icon to delete the created column.
    • To delete the columns in bulk, select the columns and click the Delete icon Delete icon.
    • To search for the required column details, in the Search text box enter the required column name and click enter. The details of the required column are displayed.
    • Click Next.

    Preview Data Entity tab

    It displays a preview of all the created columns and their configured details. If the data entity belongs to an Oracle database, you can also view statistics of the table. See View Statistics of Data Entities for more information.

  4. Click Save.

    The new target Data Entity is created.

  5. Expand the Properties Panel in the right pane to view the following settings of the created components:
    • General - Displays the Name of the component along with its Connection and Schema details.
    • Attributes - Displays the details of all the attributes associated to the component.
    • Column Mapping - Click Auto Map to map all the columns automatically.
    • Preview - Click to have a preview of the component.
    • Options - Change the options as appropriate.