16.7.3 Update the Imported Repository using DataTransformsPostImport.sh

Use the DataTransformsPostImport.sh utility to make the necessary updates to the imported repository.

Before you run the utility make sure that the repository.properties file has the correct information that points to the imported master repository. See Switch to the Imported Repository for more information.

The DataTransformsPostImport.sh file is located in /u01/oracle/transforms_home/common/scripts. If the script is not found, create the file using the following properties:

export install_home=/u01/oracle/transforms_home
/u01/oracle/jdk1.8.0_211/bin/java -cp $CLASSPATH oracle.odi.setup.util.mp.DataTransformsPostImport
exec $SHELL

After you have successfully run the utility, you must start the jetty server. To start the jetty server, login as OPC user and execute the following commands:

ssh -i <path to id_rsa> opc@<Instance IP>
sudo su
systemctl start jettyserver.service

Connect to Data Transforms and verify whether the repository has been successfully imported.