16.7.2 Switch to the Imported Repository

To switch to the imported repository, you need to update the odi-setup.properties and repository.properties files with information related to the imported repository.

To switch to the imported repository:

  1. Create the odi-setup.properties file in /u01/oracle/transforms_home/common/scripts and add the following properties. If the file already exists, replace the existing content of the file with these details.
    odiSchemaPassword=<valid password>
    odiSchemaUser=<odi schema username>
    odiSupervisorPassword=<odi SUPERVISOR password>
    workRepoName=<WORK REPO NAME>
    adwInstancePassword= <adw Instance password>


    • workRepoName=<WORK REPO NAME> is an optional property but you may have to configure this property if your default work repository name is not WORKREP.
    • adwInstancePassword= <adw Instance password> is an optional property but configure this property only when you have used OPTACH for applying a patch on your ODI instance and wish to run Upgrade Assistant (UA) using the configuration script odiMPConfiguration.py.
  2. Create the repository.properties file in /u01/oracle/transforms_home/common/scripts and add the following properties. If the file already exists, replace the existing content of the file with these details.
    masterReposUrl=jdbc\:oracle\:thin\:@<new work repository name>_high?TNS_ADMIN\=/u01/oracle/transforms_home/wallets/wallet_<wallet file name>
    workReposName=<WORK REPO NAME>
    masterReposUser=<odi schema username>