PrivateLink Details

The PrivateLink Details page is divided into the following sections:

Table 5-1 Summary

Field Description

The state of the PrivateLink:

  • CREATING: The PrivateLink is being created and is not ready yet to be used
  • ACTIVE: The PrivateLink is successfully created and is ready to be used.
  • UPDATING: The PrivateLink is in the process of being updated. For example, adding a new principal, or changing metadata.
  • UPDATING_ERROR: The PrivateLink encountered an error during UPDATE. It continues to function with the parameters before the update was initiated.
  • DELETING: The PrivateLink is being deleted.
  • DELETING_ERROR: The PrivateLink encountered an error during DELETE. It may continue to function with its current set of parameters.
  • DELETED: The PrivateLink has been deleted and is no longer available.
  • FAILED: An error condition prevented creating or updating the PrivateLink.
  • NEEDS_ATTENTION: The PrivateLink needs a user action to restore connectivity.
Resource ID The unique resource identifier assigned to the PrivateLink.
Link type The type of PrivateLink.

Table 5-2 General Information

Field Description
Description The user-defined description of the PrivateLink.
Created The date and time the PrivateLink was created.
Last Updated The date and time the PrivateLink was last updated.
Port The port on which the PrivateLink listens for traffic using the MySQL protocol. The default value is 3306.
Port X The port on which the PrivateLink listens for clients using the MySQL X Protocol, such as MySQL Shell. The default value is 33060.

Table 5-3 MySQL DB System

Field Description
Name The name of the associated DB System.
State The state of the DB System. See MySQL DB System Details.
Description The user-defined description of the DB System.

Table 5-4 Link Details

Field Description
Hostname The host name of the PrivateLink. The host name is a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
Service name The service name that you need while creating an endpoint. See Creating an Endpoint.
Authorized principals The principal ARNs that are authorized to create VPC endpoints for this PrivateLink.