4.4 Managing Labels

Create and update label groups and labels to classify issues.

If you completed the setup process, you can view sample labels and label groups by going to Team Development, Utilities, Manage Labels.

See Also:

Setting Labels

4.4.1 About Labels Groups and Labels

Use label groups and the associated labels to classify issues.

Label Groups and Labels

Labels are organized into label groups and enable you to classify issues. For example, the Label Group Level of Effort could contain the labels Easy Fix, Moderate Effort, and Large Development Effort.

Each label group has an identifying color to enable you to quickly identify labels associated with the same group. You can define label groups as exclusive or non-exclusive. In exclusive label groups, only one label from the group may be assigned to an issue at a time. Applying another label from the same exclusive group removes any current label from that group. In non-exclusive label groups, you can assign multiple labels to an issue from the same label group.

Sample Label Groups and Labels

The following are two sample label groups and labels included in Team Development when you complete the setup process and install Sample Labels:

  • Importance (Label Group)
    • Critical (Label)
    • Important (Label)
    • Normal (Label)
    • Backlog (Label)
    • Will Not Address (Label)

    This Label Group is exclusive meaning that only one label can be applied to an issue.

  • Functional Area (Label Group)
    • Bug (Label)
    • Enhancement Request (Label)
    • Feature Request (Label)
    • Security Issue (Label)
    • Performance Issue (Label)
    • Documentation Issue (Label)
    • Training Issue (Label)

    This Label Group is non-exclusive meaning that only one label can be applied one or more labels.

If you completed the setup process, you can view the other sample label groups and labels by clicking the Team Development menu and selecting Labels. To view the labels within a label group, click a label group name.


You also access Labels page from the Utilities page. Click the Team Development menu and select Utilities and then Manage Labels.

4.4.2 Creating Label Groups

Create label groups clicking Create on the Labels page.

To create a label group:

  1. Click the Team Development menu and then select Labels.

    The Labels page appears.

  2. On the Labels page, click Create.
  3. In Create/Edit Label Group dialog:
    1. Group Name - Enter a unique name for the label group.
    2. Group Label Color - Select a color to display all labels within the group.
    3. Values are Exclusive - Determines if the values of the group are exclusively assigned to an issue. Options include:
      • On - Only one label from the group can be assigned to an issue at any given time.
      • Off - Multiple labels from the same group may be assigned to an issue.
    4. Group Description - Enter a description of the group.
  4. Click Create.

4.4.3 Editing Label Groups

Edit label groups on the Manage Labels page.

Use label groups to classify labels.

To edit a label group:

  1. Click the Team Development menu and then select Labels.

    The Labels page appears.

    Note that each a label group has an identifying color making it and the associated labels easier to identify.

  2. On the Labels page, select the label group name.

    The Manage Labels page appears, displaying labels in the current group.

  3. Click Edit Group.

    The Create/Edit Label Group dialog appears.

  4. To edit the label group, edit the following attributes:
    1. Group Name - Enter a unique name for the label group.
    2. Group Label Color - Select a color to display all labels within the group.
    3. Values are Exclusive - Determines if the values of the group are exclusively assigned to an issue. Options include:
      • On - Only one label from the group can be assigned to an issue at any given time.
      • Off - Multiple labels from the same group may be assigned to an issue.
    4. Group Description - Enter a description of the group.
    5. Click Apply Changes.
  5. To delete the label group, click Delete in the Create/Edit Label Group dialog.

4.4.4 Adding Labels

Create labels on the Manage Labels page.

To add a new label to a label group:

  1. Click the Team Development menu and then select Labels.
  2. On the Labels page, select the label group name.

    The Manage Labels page appears, displaying labels in the current group.

  3. On the Manage Labels page, click Add Row.

    A new row appears.

  4. In the new row, enter the Sequence, Label Name, Label Slug, and Label Desc.
  5. Click Save.

4.4.5 Editing or Deleting Labels

Edit labels on the Manage Labels page.

To edit existing labels:

  1. Click the Team Development menu and then select Labels.
  2. On the Labels page, select the label group name.

    The Manage Labels page appears, displaying an editable interactive grid of labels in the current group.

  3. To edit a single cell:
    1. Double-click the cell you want to edit.
    2. Enter your changes and click Save.
  4. To edit a multiple rows:
    1. Select rows by selecting checkboxes in the checkbox column.


      To select all rows, click the checkbox in the column. With all rows selected, click it again to deselect all rows.

    2. Select the cells you wish to edit and enter your changes.
    3. Click Save.
  5. To delete multiple rows:
    1. Select the rows to be deleted.
    2. Click the Actions menu and then select Selection, Delete Rows.


      To delete a single row, click Row Actions icon (to the right of the checkbox) and select Delete Row.

    3. Click Save.

See Also:

Using an Editable Interactive Grid in Oracle APEX End User’s Guide