4.2 Pages

Enable easy navigation on Pages by configuring common attributes.

See Also:

4.2.1 Page Titles

Page titles help users understand the purpose of a page.

A good page title helps users of assistive technology understand the purpose of the page. Since the page title is usually the first thing a user of a screen reader hears when loading the page, every page title should be meaningful and unique.

Consider the following example. The title of a Form page should include some information about the record the user is currently editing, such as "Create / Edit Customer: [customer name]." In Page Designer, select the page in the Rendering tree and do the following in the Property Editor:

  • To replace P1_CUSTOMER_NAME with the page item containing the item that best identifies the current record, in the Identification – Title field enter Create / Edit Customer: &P1_CUSTOMER_NAME., with the period included.
  • Form pages have a Fetch Row process that fetches the row in the Execution Options. By default, this is set to fire after the page header (After Header). Change this to fire Before Header.


You can review and update all page titles in an app with the Grid Edit of all Pages tool. You should review all titles for accuracy and meaning, especially different pages with the same title and null page titles.

See Also:

4.2.2 Page Modes

Oracle APEX supports multiple page mode types.

You can select from the following page mode types:
  • Normal
  • Modal Dialog
  • Non-Modal Dialog

All of these page types can be used and are coded to the accessibility standards.

For example, modal dialog pages follow guidelines for pages including constraining keyboard focus inside of the dialog and ensuring screen reader users only hear information about the current modal dialog page (and not the base page where the modal dialog page was launched).

4.2.3 Cursor Focus

Cursor focus specifies where the cursor appears for the user on page load.

The Navigation – Cursor Focus attribute specifies where the cursor appears for the user on page load. You can select from the following options:
  • Do not focus cursor, which focuses on nothing on page load
  • First item on page, which focuses the cursor in the first field on the page on page load.

You should use First item on page with careful consideration, as setting focus unexpectedly can easily disrupt users. Only set focus to the first item if you are certain users need to interact with that first item—for example, if the first item is a required field on a wizard page. Otherwise, you should use Do not focus cursor.

4.2.4 Reload on Submit

Reload on Submit controls how attributes display on the page.

Reload on Submit controls how errors display on the page. You can select from the following options:
  • Always
  • Only for Success

Oracle recommends using Only for Success. When Only for Success is selected, Oracle APEX renders errors on the client-side without reloading the entire page. This option is faster for all users, and if there are errors, screen reader users are immediately notified and read the error information because the error notification is using the ARIA role of alert.


Tabular form regions can only be set to Always. You cannot use this client-side error display on tabular form pages.