A Keyboard Shortcuts

Reference keyboard shortcuts for Oracle APEX.


The Oracle APEX interface is intended for use with the US keyboard layout. Users of other keyboard layouts should refer to the US keyboard layout in conjunction with this documentation as there may be incompatibilities regarding number and special character keys, such as the ' (quote) key.

A.1 General Keyboard Shortcuts

Learn about general keyboard shortcuts for Oracle APEX.

You can use general keyboard shortcuts throughout Oracle APEX.

If a page incorporates specialized keyboard shortcuts, click the Help icon located in the top-right of the page and select Shortcuts, or press Alt+Shift+F1 to display a list of valid keyboard shortcuts. Not all pages have specialized shortcuts.

Table A-1 General Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Where Keys
Display the list of valid keyboard shortcuts for the page Any page with special keyboard shortcuts Windows: Alt+Shift+F1

Mac: Option+Shift+F1

Open field help dialog When focus is on any field with a (?) help icon Windows: Alt+F1

Mac: Option+F1

Move focus back to field without closing dialog When focus is on a field help dialog Windows: Alt+F6

Mac: Option+F6

Close dialog When focus is on any dialog Escape
Select the previous/next tab Any page with focus in region display selector tabs Arrow keys

A.2 Component-Specific Keyboard Shortcuts

Learn about component-specific keyboard shortcuts.

Component-specific keyboard shortcuts only work for specific components.

If a page incorporates specialized keyboard shortcuts, click the Help icon located in the top-right of the page and select Shortcuts, or press Alt+Shift+F1 to display a list of valid keyboard shortcuts. Not all pages have specialized shortcuts.

A.2.1 Date Picker

Learn about Date Picker keyboard shortcuts.

Table A-2 Date Picker Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Keys
Open the popup, when the input has focus and Display Mode is set to popup Down arrow
Close the popup and focus the input, when Display Mode is set to popup Escape
Focus the next element Tab
  • Note: When the Display Mode is set to popup and the last element is focused, pressing Tab moves focus to the first element
Focus the previous element Shift+Tab
  • Note: When the Display Mode is set to popup and the first element is focused, pressing Tab moves focus to the last element
Move focus to the same day of the previous week Up arrow
Move focus to the same day of the next week Down arrow
Move focus to the previous day Left arrow
Move focus to the next day Right arrow
Move focus to the first day of the current week Home
Move focus to the last day of the current week End
Change the grid of dates to the previous month Page Up
Change the grid of dates to the next month Page Down
Change the grid of dates to the previous year Shift+Page Up
Change the grid of dates to the next year Shift+Page Down
Select the focused date, when Show Time is off Enter or Space
Select the focused date, when Show Time is on Enter or Space, then Done

A.2.2 CSS Calendar

Learn about CSS Calendar keyboard shortcuts.

When you focus on the calendar grid (month, week or day view), you can use the arrow keys to navigate within the calendar. There are two calendar browsing modes:
  1. Event Browsing - Focuses on existing calendar events
  2. Calendar Browsing - Allows you to freely select dates or date ranges
The keyboard shortcut behavior depends on the current view.

Table A-3 Event Browsing CSS Calendar Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Keys
Go to the previous event


If on the first event in the given view, move to the last event.
Up arrow
Go to the next event


If on the last event in the given view, move to the first one.
Down arrow
Switch to Calendar Browsing mode N
Leave browsing mode Escape

Table A-4 Month View CSS Calendar Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Keys
Go to the previous day


If on the first day of a month, switch to the previous month.
Left arrow
Go to the next day


If on the last day of a month, switch to the next month.
Right arrow
Go to the next week; same day Down arrow
Go to the previous week; same day Up arrow
Extend the selection by one day, up to the end of the current view Shift+Right arrow
Decrease the selection by one day, only until the selection spans one day Shift+Left arrow
Move to the next month Page Down
Move to the previous month Page Up
Run the Create Link given as Plug-in attribute by the developer or fire the Calendar Date Select event Enter / Space
Leave Calendar Browsing and go back to Event Browsing Escape

Table A-5 Week View CSS Calendar Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Keys
Go to the previous day


If on the first day of a week, switch to the previous week.
Left arrow
Go to the next day


If on the last day of a month, switch to the next month.
Right arrow
Extend the selection by one day, up to the end of the current view Shift+Right arrow
Decrease the selection by one day until the selection spans one day Shift+Left arrow
Move selection 30 minutes back in time Up arrow
Move selection 30 minutes forward in time Down arrow
Extend selection range by 30 minutes Shift+ Down arrow
Decrease selection by 30 minutes, until the selection is 30 minutes long Shift+Up arrow
Move to the next week Page Down
Move to the previous week Page Up
Run the Create Link given as plug-in attribute by the developer or fire Calendar Date Select event Enter / Space
Leave Calendar Browsing and go back to Event Browsing Escape

Table A-6 Day View CSS Calendar Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Keys
Go to the previous day Left arrow
Go to the next day Right arrow
Move selection 30 minutes back in time Up arrow
Move selection 30 minutes forward in time Down arrow
Extend selection range by 30 minutes Shift+Down arrow
Decrease selection by 30 minutes, until the selection is 30 minutes long Shift+Up arrow
Move to the next day Page Down
Move to the previous day Page Up
Run the Create Link given as plug-in attribute by the developer or fire Calendar Date Select event Enter / Space
Leave Calendar Browsing and go back to Event Browsing Escape

A.2.3 Chart Region

Learn about chart region keyboard shortcuts.

Table A-7 Chart Region Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Keys
Move focus to next element Tab
Move focus to previous element Shift+Tab
Move focus and selection to previous data item Up arrow
Move focus and selection to next data item Down arrow
Move focus and selection to previous data item (on left) Left arrow
Move focus and selection to next data item (on right) Right arrow
Move focus and multiselect previous data item Shift+Up arrow
Move focus and multiselect next data item Shift+Down arrow
Move focus and multiselect previous data item (on left) Shift+Left arrow
Move focus and multiselect next data item (on right) Shift+Right arrow
Move focus to previous data item, without changing the current selection Ctrl+Up arrow
Move focus to next data item, without changing the current selection Ctrl+Down arrow
Move focus to previous data item (on left), without changing the current selection Ctrl+Left arrow
Move focus to next data item (on right), without changing the current selection Ctrl+Right arrow
Multiselect data item with focus Ctrl+Space
Zoom in one level if zooming is enabled = or +
Zoom out one level if zooming is enabled - or _
Pan up if scrolling is enabled Page Up
Pan down if scrolling is enabled Page Down
Pan left in left-to-right locales/Pan right in right-to-left locales Shift+Page Up
Pan right in left-to-right locales/Pan left in right-to-left locales Shift+Page Down
Drill on data item, categorical axis label, or legend item when drilling is enabled Enter

A.2.4 Map Region

Learn about map region keyboard shortcuts.

Table A-8 Map Region Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Keys
Increase the zoom level by 1 = / +
Increase the zoom level by 2 Shift-= / Shift-+
Decrease the zoom level by 1 -
Pan by 100 pixels Arrow keys
Increase the rotation by 15 degrees Shift+Right arrow
Decrease the rotation by 15 degrees Shift+Left arrow
Increase the pitch by 10 degrees Shift+Up arrow
Decrease the pitch by 10 degrees Shift+Down arrow

A.2.5 Interactive Grid

Learn about interactive grid keyboard shortcuts.

Interactive grid regions come with many keyboard shortcuts and keyboard-specific features to help the keyboard-only and power user. Specifically, they are designed to provide all functionality that is available with the mouse to keyboard users.

In addition, the grid containing the data provides two distinct modes of interaction: Navigation and Edit mode. Navigation mode is designed for use when the grid is not currently editable and allows fast and easy navigation around the grid using keyboard. Navigation mode is the default and the only mode if the interactive grid is not editable. Edit mode is designed for use when the grid is currently editable, and keyboard behavior differs slightly.

The interactive grid region consists of multiple separate user interface elements, some of which handle tab stops differently depending on the element type and the expected keyboard semantics. For example, the toolbar and pagination controls are implemented as separate tab stops, while the grid view and icon view are implemented as a single tab stop where cursor key navigation is used to move around the view elements when the view has focus.

The following tables list available keyboard shortcuts in interactive grid regions. General shortcuts work in both navigation mode and in edit mode.

Table A-9 General Interactive Grid Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Keys
Move to the next tab stop Tab
Move to the previous tab stop Shift+Tab
Toggle between row selection and cell selection F8
Open the column header menu, when focus is on the column header Enter or Space
Increase column width, when focus is on the column header Windows: Ctrl+Right arrow

Mac: Ctrl+Cmd+Right arrow

Decrease column width, when focus is on the column header Windows: Ctrl+Left arrow

Mac: Ctrl+Cmd+Left arrow

Move column to next column position, when focus is on the column header Shift+Right arrow
Move column to the previous column position, when focus is on the column header Shift+Left arrow
Sort ascending on the current column, when focus is on the column header Windows: Alt+Up arrow

Mac: Option+ Up arrow

Sort ascending on the current column in addition to the existing search columns, when focus is on the column header Windows: Shift+Alt+Up arrow

Mac: Shift+Option+ Up arrow

Sort descending on the current column, when focus is on the column header Windows: Alt+Down arrow

Mac: Option+ Down arrow

Sort descending on the current column in addition to the existing search columns, when focus is on the column header Windows: Shift+Alt+Down arrow

Mac: Shift+Option+Down arrow

Move to next tab stop in column header menu, when column header menu is open Tab
Move to previous tab stop in the column header menu, when column header menu is open Shift+Tab
Close the column header menu, when the column header menu is open Escape
Show help (if defined) for an item, when a single row is viewed and focus is on the column Windows: Alt+F1

Mac: Option+F1

Table A-10 Navigation Mode Interactive Grid Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Keys
Move around the grid, including column headers Arrow keys
Move without changing the selection Windows: Ctrl+Up arrow or Ctrl+Down arrow

Mac: Ctrl+Alt+Up arrow or Ctrl+Alt+Down arrow

Select Space
Toggle selection Windows: Ctrl+Space

Mac: Ctrl+Alt+Space

Range select and deselect multiple rows Shift+Up arrow or Shift+Down arrow
Move one page up in the current column Page Up
Move one page down in the current column Page Down
Move to first cell in current row Home
Move to last cell in current row End
Move to the first cell in the grid Windows: Ctrl+Home

Mac: Option+Up arrow

Move to the last cell in the grid Windows: Ctrl+End

Mac: Option+Down arrow

Add a row after the last selected row, if grid is editable Windows: Insert

Mac: No equivalent

Delete the selected rows, if grid is editable Delete
Move around the icons, while in icon view Arrow keys
Move to the first icon, while in icon view Home
Move to the last icon, while in icon view End
Switch from navigation mode to edit mode, if the interactive grid is editable Enter or F2

Table A-11 Edit Mode Interactive Grid Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Keys
Move to the next cell in the same row Tab
Move to the previous cell in the same row Shift+Tab
Move to the next cell in the same column Enter
Move to the previous cell in the same column Shift+Enter
Exit edit mode and return to navigation mode Escape

A.2.6 Markdown Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

Learn about markdown editor keyboard shortcuts.

Table A-12 Markdown Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Keys
Leave Markdown Editor and go to next tab stop Ctrl+Shift+.
Leave Markdown Editor and go to previous tab stop Ctrl+Shift+,

A.2.7 Rich Text Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

Learn about rich text editor keyboard shortcuts.

Table A-13 Content Editing Shortcuts in the Rich Text Editor

Action Keys
Copy Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V
Paste plain text and inherit target formatting Ctrl+Shift+V
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y or Ctrl+Shift+Z
Select all Ctrl+A
Bold Ctrl+B
Italic Ctrl+I
Link Ctrl+K
Insert a hard break/new paragraph Enter
Insert a soft break/<br> Shift+Enter
Nest the current list item (when in a list) Tab
Move out of link or inline style Arrow keys
Revert autoformatting action Backspace

Table A-14 Content Editing Shortcuts When a Widget is Selected in the Rich Text Editor

Action Keys
Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget Enter
Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget Shift+Enter
Display the caret to allow typing directly before a widget Up arrow or Left arrow
Display the caret to allow typing directly after a widget Down arrow or Right arrow

Table A-15 Content Editing Shortcuts in a Table Cell in the Rich Text Editor

Action Keys
Move the selection to the next cell Tab
Move the selection to the previous cell Shift+Tab
Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table) Tab
Navigate through the table Arrow keys

Table A-16 User Interface and Navigation Shortcuts in the Rich Text Editor

Action Keys
Close contextual balloons and UI components (dropdowns, etc.) Esc
Move focus to the visible contextual balloon Tab
Move focus between fields (inputs and buttons) in contextual balloons Tab
Move focus to the toolbar Windows: Alt+F10

Mac: Option+F10

Navigate through the toolbar Arrow keys
Execute the currently focused button Enter