11.3.16 Region Templates

Region templates control the appearance and placement of region attributes.

You place region attributes using substitution strings such as #BODY#. Template substitution strings must be in upper case and begin and end with a pound sign (#). Region Template Attributes

Learn about region template attributes.

This topic describes some attributes on the Edit Region Template page. To learn more about a specific attribute, see field-level Help. Name

Theme indicates the theme to which the template is a member. Name identifies the name of the template.

Template Class identifies a specific use for the template. When you switch to a new theme, all templates in one theme are mapped to corresponding templates in another theme. App Builder accomplishes this template mapping through the assignment of a template class. Use the Translatable checkbox to indicate that the template contains text strings that require translation. Definition

Region templates provide the appearance for a region on a page. Region templates consist of HTML code to wrap the region content and substitution strings to inject the region content. #BODY# is the only required substitution string and identifies where the source of the region should be placed. All other substitution strings are optional. Substitution strings can be either:

  • Reserved APEX substitution strings

  • Region positions

Region templates provide the appearance for a portion of a page called a region. Use substitution strings to indicate the existence and placement of a component within the region. #BODY# is the only required substitution string and identifies where the source of the region should be placed. All other substitution strings are optional. The following are valid substitution strings:

The following reserved APEX substitution strings are used to substitute content from the region defined in Page Designer:

  • #TITLE#















The region positions are used to substitute other components inside the region. They are defined in the Positions section of the region template. This is where you will find region positions such as #BODY#, #SUB_REGIONS# and other custom positions. Layout

Page items can be displayed within regions. If the page template layout uses HTML table, each item in a region is part of an HTML table. You can set the attributes of this table using this attribute. Note that this section is not used if the page template layout uses a fixed grid system. Sub Regions

Header Template

Sub region header templates together with sub region header entry templates provide the possibility to generate a list of region titles of all the sub regions of the current region.

#ENTRIES# is the only required substitution string. It identifies where the sub region header entries should be placed. All other substitution strings are optional.

The following are valid substitution strings: #ENTRIES#, #REGION_ID#, and #REGION_STATIC_ID#.Use #SUB_REGION_HEADERS# in the region template to place the output of this template.

Header Entry Template

Sub region header entry templates together with the sub region header templates provide the possibility to generate a list of region titles of all the sub regions of the current region.

The following are valid substitution strings: #SUB_REGION_ID#, #SUB_REGION_TITLE#, #REGION_ID#, and #REGION_STATIC_ID#. Use #ENTRIES# in the sub region header template to place the output of this template.


Sub Region templates provide the possibility to wrap the sub regions with additional HTML code. #SUB_REGION# is the only required substitution string. It identifies where the source of the sub region should be placed. All other substitution strings are optional.

The following are valid substitution strings: #SUB_REGION#, #SUB_REGION_ID#, #SUB_REGION_TITLE#, #REGION_ID#, and #REGION_STATIC_ID#. Use #SUB_REGIONS# in the region template to place the output of this template. Image


The Image template provides the possibility of defining a region image with additional HTML code.

#REGION_IMAGE_URL# is the only required substitution string and should be used within an img HTML tag. It specifies the img src attribute. All other substitution strings are optional.

The following are valid substitution strings:






Use #REGION_IMAGE# in the region template to place the output of this template. JavaScript


For a list of supported substitution strings and to view examples, see field-level Help.

Available attributes include:

  • File URLs - Enter JavaScript file URLs for code to be loaded on this page. Each URL has to be written into a new line. If you provide a minified version of your file you can use the substitution string #MIN# to include .min or #MIN_DIRECTORY# to include minified/ in your file URL for a regular page view and an empty string if the page is viewed in debug mode. You also have access to the substitution string #APP_VERSION# if you want to include the application's version in the file URL.

    JavaScript file URLs you enter here replaces the #TEMPLATE_JAVASCRIPT# substitution string in the page template.

    Do not include opening or closing script tags, just write the URL.

  • Execute when Page Loads - Enter JavaScript code to execute when the page loads. The code is executed after the JavaScript code generated by Oracle APEX.

    Do not include opening or closing script tags, just include the JavaScript code. Cascading Style Sheet

File URLs

Enter Cascading Style Sheet file URLs to be loaded for this page template. Each URL has to be written into a new line. If you provide a minified version of your file you can use the substitution string #MIN# to include .min or #MIN_DIRECTORY# to include minified/ in your file URL for a regular page view and an empty string if the page is viewed in debug mode. You also have access to the substitution string #APP_VERSION# if you want to include the application's version in the file URL.

You do not need to include opening or closing link tags. Just include the file URL. JavaScript


For a list of supported substitution strings and to view examples, see field-level Help.

Available attributes include:

  • File URLs - Enter JavaScript file URLs for code to be loaded on this page. Each URL has to be written into a new line. If you provide a minified version of your file you can use the substitution string #MIN# to include .min or #MIN_DIRECTORY# to include minified/ in your file URL for a regular page view and an empty string if the page is viewed in debug mode. You also have access to the substitution string #APP_VERSION# if you want to include the application's version in the file URL.

    JavaScript file URLs you enter here replaces the #TEMPLATE_JAVASCRIPT# substitution string in the page template.

    Do not include opening or closing script tags, just write the URL.

  • Execute when Page Loads - Enter JavaScript code to execute when the page loads. The code is executed after the JavaScript code generated by Oracle APEX.

    Do not include opening or closing script tags, just include the JavaScript code. Substitution Strings

Substitution strings are used within templates to reference component values. To view the most current list supported substitution strings for a given template, view the template and find the Substitution Strings report.


All template substitution strings must be in uppercase letters and begin and end with a number sign (#).