20.1.6 Understanding Workspace Management

Instance administrators can define associations between workspaces and schemas. Administrators can manage developers and users at the workspace or instance-level and control user access to key components such App Builder, Team Development, and SQL Workshop, and PL/SQL editing.

See Also:

Managing Existing Workspaces in Oracle APEX Administration Guide About Managing Workspace to Schema Assignments

Learn about managing workspace to schema assignments.

When users sign in to Oracle APEX, they sign in to a shared work area called a workspace. Each workspace can have multiple associated (or mapped) schemas. Instance administrators can define associations between workspaces and schemas as appropriate. By associating a workspace with a schema, developers in that workspace can create new database objects in that schema and build applications that interact with the database objects in that schema.

See Also:

Managing Workspace to Schema Assignments in Oracle APEX Administration Guide About Managing Developers and Users

Learn about managing developers and users.

Administrators can define what schemas specific users have access to and also their user role, that is if they are a workspace administrator, a developer, or an end user. Administrators can also limit developer access to specific APEX components and lock accounts. APEX includes two separate interfaces for managing developers and users. Workspace administrators manage user accounts within their workspace and Instance administrators manage all user accounts across an APEX development instance.

See Also:

Managing Users in a Workspace and Managing Users Across an APEX Instance in Oracle APEX Administration Guide About Managing Component Availability

Learn how workspace administrators can control user access to key components.

Workspace administrators can control user access to key components such as App Builder, Team Development, SQL Workshop, and PL/SQL editing, which determines whether developers have the ability to edit and compile PL/SQL program units from Object Browser. For example, suppose an administrator wants users to be able to build database components, run SQL statements, but not create applications, he or she could define a workspace with rights to a specific schema and then configure the users as developers using the options on the Set Workspace Preferences page.

See Also:

Configuring Workspace Preferences in Oracle APEX Administration Guide