9 Desupported in Previous Releases

The following section lists features which were desupported in a previous release.

If a desupported feature has to do with application metadata or APIs, then existing applications may not work as they did previously. Oracle recommends modifying the application to replace the feature.

9.1 Desupported Page Positions

The following page positions are desupported and display as Legacy in Page Designer:

  • Body 1
  • Body 2
  • Body 3
  • After Header
  • Before Footer

9.2 Desupported Region Positions

The following region positions used for button positioning are desupported and display as Legacy in Page Designer:

  • Top of Region
  • Bottom of Region
  • Above Region
  • Below Region

9.3 Custom Page Region Templates with Duplicated Positions Desupported

Custom page template and custom region templates with duplicated positions are desupported. For example, a region template referencing position #CHANGE# twice is not recommended because that duplicate position causes duplicate DOM IDs.

9.4 Legacy Substitution Strings Desupported

As of this release, the following apex.env substitution strings are desupported:


While the legacy substitutions still function, Oracle recommends developers update their environments to use updated substitutions (listed below).

Table 9-1 Updated apex.env Substitutions

Legacy New

9.5 Desupported JavaScript Functions

The following functions are desupported:

Universal Theme JavaScript API function:

  • apex.theme42.util.mq (use apex.theme.mq instead)

9.6 Post Calculation for Page Items Desupported

The Post Calculation functionality of page items is desupported.

This functionality remains for existing page items where it has been used, but you can no longer set it for new page items nor add it to existing page items where it has not been used in the past.

9.7 Show / Hide All Page Items On Same Line Attributes Desupported

In Dynamic Actions, the Show and Hide actions have attributes Show all page items on same line and Hide all page items on same line, respectively. These attributes were designed for forms with a table-based layout. Because Universal Theme no longer uses table-based layout, these attributes are desupported.

This functionality remains for existing Dynamic Actions where it was set to Yes, but developers cannot select it for new Dynamic Actions.

9.8 apex.server Plug-in and Process Function Async Option Desupported

In a future release, the async option will be ignored and all Ajax requests will be asynchronous.

9.9 apex.widget.initPageItem Function Desupported

The function apex.widget.initPageItem is desupported. Item plug-in creators should use apex.item.create instead.

9.10 Popup LOV Template Desupported

The Popup LOV template type is desupported.

9.11 Based On - Output of PL/SQL Code attribute Desupported

The selection Output of PL/SQL Code of the attribute Based On is now desupported.

9.12 Date Picker (jQuery) Desupported

The old Date Picker item type Date Picker (jQuery) is desupported and should no longer be used.

Existing apps will not automatically switch to using the new date picker to preserve possible customizations that would no longer work. You can switch all the date pickers in your app to use the new date pickers by using Upgrade Application in the Utilities section of your application in App Builder.

See Running Application Upgrade in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide.

9.13 Syntax {COLUMN_NAME}_LABEL in Interactive Grid Icon and Detail Views Desupported

The &{COLUMN_NAME}_LABEL. syntax, which is used to reference the column label in Interactive Grid Detail and Icon views, is desupported.

Instead, use &{COLUMN_NAME}%LABEL..

9.14 Removed Content Delivery Network

The attribute Content Delivery Network that could be found under User Interface Attributes, Javascript with options None, Google, Microsoft, and jQuery, has been removed. Enabling this option was only relevant for pulling in a few of the JavaScript libraries that APEX needs.

If you were using this option, it's recommended to instead use the more modern, Oracle-provided CDN approach. For further information, see Announcing Oracle APEX Static Resources on Content Delivery Network.

9.15 APEX-Based REST Services Desupported

APEX-based REST Services are desupported in this release. Prior to release 18.1, definitions of RESTful services created within Oracle APEX were stored within the metadata tables of the core APEX schema, and referred to as APEX-based REST Services. With release 18.1, we introduced support for Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) -based REST Services, where definitions are stored in the ORDS repository. ORDS-based REST Services continue to be supported for definitions of RESTful Services in Oracle APEX.

The instance parameter APEX_REST_PATH-PREFIX is desupported.


Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) release 21.4.2 now ships with migration scripts that enable you to upgrade any remaining APEX-based REST Services to ORDS-based Services. To learn more, see Migration of Oracle APEX Restful Service Modules in Oracle REST Data Services Release Notes.