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Namespace: theme



The apex.theme namespace contains functions useful for theme developers or that work closely with theme related functionality. The functionality in this namespace may not be fully supported by all themes particularly legacy, custom, or third party themes.


(static) closeRegion(pRegion) → {jQuery}

Close a region that supports being opened such as an inline dialog, inline popup, or collapsible region. For a region to support this function, it must be implemented with a jQuery UI widget that supports either open and close methods or expand and collapse methods.

Name Type Description
pRegion string | jQuery The region to close. Either the region static id string or a jQuery object.
  • 18.2
The jQuery object of the region.

The following example closes an inline dialog region with static id myDialog.

apex.theme.closeRegion( "myDialog" );

(static) mq(pMediaQuery) → {boolean}

Test a media query. Return true if the document matches the given media query string and false otherwise. This is a wrapper around window.matchMedia.

Name Type Description
pMediaQuery string The media query to test. For example: (min-width: 400px)
  • 20.1
true if the media query matches.

After each time the window is resized check and log a message if the viewport is at least 640 pixels wide.

apex.jQuery( window ).on( "apexwindowresized", function() {
    if ( "(min-width: 640px)" ) ) {
        console.log( "Window resized, and viewport is at least 640px wide" );
} );

(static) openRegion(pRegion) → {jQuery}

Open a region that supports being opened such as an inline dialog, inline popup, or collapsible region. For a region to support this function, it must be implemented with a jQuery UI widget that supports either open and close methods or expand and collapse methods.

Name Type Description
pRegion string | jQuery The region to open. Either the region static id string or a jQuery object.
  • 18.2
The jQuery object of the region.

The following example opens an inline dialog region with static id myDialog.

apex.theme.openRegion( "myDialog" );

(static) popupFieldHelp(pItemId, pSessionIdopt, pUrlopt)

Display a standard item help dialog. This function may be useful for theme developers. Theme requirements for the label Help Template:

  • A click handler or javascript href can invoke this function directly. For example:
            <button ... onclick="apex.theme.popupFieldHelp('#CURRENT_ITEM_ID#','&SESSION.');" ...>Help</button>
  • The preferred way it to use the built-in delegated click event handler. For this give the clickable help element a class of js-itemHelp and add a data-itemhelp attribute with the current item id. For example:
        <button class="... js-itemHelp" data-itemhelp="#CURRENT_ITEM_ID#" ...>Help</button>

The second method is preferred because you get Alt-F1 keyboard accessibility. For Alt+F1 to work the label template Before Label and Item template attribute must include:

With the first method you could add your own inline keydown handler.

Name Type Attributes Description
pItemId string | Object item id to display help for or an object with properties helpText, and title. When an object is given the other parameters are ignored.
pSessionId string <optional>
Current session id
pUrl string <optional>
Override to specify the URL to use to fetch the help content. It should not include the p_output_format param. This is an advanced parameter that is normally not needed.

The following example shows how a custom help message that looks like standard page item help can be displayed.

apex.theme.popupFieldHelp( {title: "Custom Help", helpText: "Some helpful text"} );