16.6.1 Example Searches

View search examples.

The following example shows a sample search page created with the Create Page Wizard. Notice a search field displays at after the page title and is followed by a Search Results region. In Page Designer, the search field is positioned in the Breadcrumb region and the Search Results region displays in the Body Position. This example has two search configurations that map to two separate tables, EBA_PROJECTS and EBA_PROJECT_TASKS.

Description of search_page_example.png follows
Description of the illustration search_page_example.png

The next example is the same page but with the search field is in a different position. Notice that the search field displays in the Position, After Logo, which is between the logo and the navigation bar. As in the previous example, the Search Results region displays in the Body of the page. However, the icons are different.

Description of search_page_example2.png follows
Description of the illustration search_page_example2.png

You can also create a search components by adding them manually to a page in Page Designer. The following example shows a search page named Project Overview. Note that the search field displays after the page title and contains the search term, web. The page includes two search result regions: Projects Completed and Tasks and Comments which use the Standard Template so the region Title appears.