8.10.5 Managing Classic Report Attributes

Edit report Attributes control how a classic report works. Editing Classic Report Attributes

Customize a classic report by editing report Attributes.

To edit report Attributes:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, select the region containing the report.
  3. In the Property Editor, select the Attributes tab.

    The Property Editor displays the report Attributes. Attributes are organized in groups.

    To find a group or attribute, enter keywords in the Filter Properties field. The Property Editor displays the group or attributes. Or, you can click Go to Group and select the group.

  4. Edit the appropriate attributes.
  5. To view Help, select the attribute and click the Help tab. Once you activate the Help pane, the content that displays changes every time you select another attribute.
  6. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Editing Classic Report Pagination

Edit classic report pagination.

To control classic report pagination:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, select the region containing the report.
  3. In the Property Editor, select the Attributes tab.

    The Property Editor displays the attributes. Attributes are organized in groups.

  4. Under Pagination, edit the following:
    1. Type - Select the pagination type for this report. Generally only a subset of the results are currently displayed in the report. Pagination provides the user with information about the number of rows and the current position within the result set. Pagination also defines the style of links or buttons that are used to navigate to the next or previous page.
    2. Display Position - Select where the report pagination displays.
    3. Partial Page Refresh - Specify whether to use Partial Page Refresh (PPR) to update the report display.
      If the end user performs an action, such as a pagination request or selection of a new sort column, the current report rows must be refreshed. Setting this attribute to On refreshes just the report region. Setting this attribute to No refreshes the entire page.
  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Adding Support for XML File or a CSV File Export

Add support for exporting a report as an XML or CSV by selecting a report template.

To export a report as a file:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, select the region containing the report.
  3. In the Property Editor, select the Attributes tab.

    The Property Editor displays the attributes. Attributes are organized in groups.

  4. Under Appearance, edit the following:
    1. Template Type - Select Predefined.
    2. Template - Select XML or CSV.

      Selecting XML prevents the APEX engine from rendering the page and dumps the content to an XML file.

  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Enabling Classic Report CSV Output Option

Enable classic report CSV output option.

To use the enable the CSV output option:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, select the region containing the report.
  3. In the Property Editor, select the Attributes tab.

    The Property Editor displays the attributes. Attributes are organized in groups.

  4. Under Download, edit the following:
    1. CSV Export Enabled - Specify whether end users can download the report contents to a CSV file. To enable CSV Downloads, you must use a report template with a #CSV_LINK# substitution string and set this option to On.

    2. CSV Separator - Enter a column separator. If no value is entered, a comma or semicolon is used depending on your current NLS settings.

    3. CSV Enclosed By - Enter a delimiter character to delineate the starting and ending boundary of a data value. The default delimiter is double quotation marks.

    4. Link Text - Specify the text for the link to invoke the CSV download.

    5. Filename - Specify a name for the CSV download file. If no name is specified, the region name is used followed by the extension *.csv.

    6. Supplemental Text - Enter text that displays at the top of the download file. Use this attribute to for data classification, legal, or warning messages about the data in the file.


    Do not use the Supplemental Text attribute with CSV download. If you enable CSV download, the defined text will invalidate the CSV file format.

  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Controlling Classic Report Column Breaks

Control classic report column breaks.

You can control if a specific column repeats and how column breaks appear when printed using Break Formatting attributes. For example, suppose your report displays employee information by department number. If multiple employees are members of the same department, you can increase the readability by specifying that the department number only appears once.

To control column breaks:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, select the region containing the report.
  3. In the Property Editor, select the Attributes tab.

    The Property Editor displays the attributes. Attributes are organized in groups.

  4. Under Break Formattingedit the following:
    1. Report Sum Label - Enter the text that displays adjacent to report sum values.
    2. Break Columns - Select how many report columns are incorporated into the break formatting. The columns must be consecutive columns, starting from the first column displayed in the report.
  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page.