11.1 Constants

The APEX_BACKGROUND_PROCESS package uses the following constants.

-- subtype t_execution_state is varchar2(9);
-- An execution was submitted, but the coordinator job has not picked it up
-- for execution yet.
c_status_enqueued    constant t_execution_state := 'ENQUEUED';
-- The coordinator job picked up the execution and started an executor job
-- using the database scheduler, but the scheduler did not start this job yet.
c_status_scheduled   constant t_execution_state := 'SCHEDULED';
-- The executor job for this background execution is currently executing.
c_status_executing   constant t_execution_state := 'EXECUTING';
-- The execution finished successfully.
c_status_success     constant t_execution_state := 'SUCCESS';
-- An unhandled error arose during execution.
c_status_failed      constant t_execution_state := 'FAILED';
-- The execution was terminated.
c_status_terminated  constant t_execution_state := 'ABORTED';
-- Deprecated:
c_status_aborted     constant t_execution_state := 'ABORTED';