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Namespace: storage


The namespace contains all functions related browser storage features such as cookies and session storage.

About local and session storage

Local storage and session storage, collectively known as web storage, are a browser feature that securely stores key value pairs associated with an origin (website). The keys and values are strings. The amount of storage space for web storage is greater than that of cookies but it is not unlimited. Another advantage over cookies is that the key value pars are not transmitted with each request.

Both local storage and session storage use the same API to set, get, and remove name value pairs. The difference is that session storage goes away when the browser session ends and local storage is available even when the browser restarts. Keep in mind that the browser is free to limit or delete data stored in local storage at the user's request. Unlike data stored on the server local storage is not shared between browsers on different machines or even different browsers on the same machine.

Because APEX supports multiple applications, multiple workspaces and even instances of the same application running in multiple workspaces there can arise conflicts with using web storage because all the apps from a single APEX instance (which is a single origin or website) share the same web storage space. The and solve this problem by partitioning the storage into a scope based on application id an optionally additional information such as page id and region id. The scope is crated by using a prefix on all the storage keys. This avoids conflicts when different apps or different instances of the same app use the same keys but it is not a secure partition. Consider this carefully before storing sensitive information in web storage.


(static) getCookie(pName) → {string}

Returns the value of the specified cookie.

Name Type Description
pName string The name of the cookie.
The string value of the cookie.

Returns the value of the cookie TEST

var value = "TEST" );

(static) getScopedLocalStorage(options) → {localStorage}

Returns a thin wrapper around the localStorage object that scopes all keys to a prefix defined by the options parameter. If localStorage is not supported, the returned object can be used but has no effect, so it is not necessary to test for support using before calling this function.

Name Type Description
options Object An object used to define the scope of the local storage. This defines the storage key prefix used by the localStorage wrapper object.
Name Type Attributes Description
prefix string <optional>
A static prefix string to add to all keys. The default is an empty string.
useAppId boolean <optional>
Whether the application id will be included in the key. The default is true.
usePageId boolean <optional>
Whether the application page id will be included in the key. The default is false.
regionId string <optional>
An additional string to identify a region or other part of a page. The default is an empty string.
A localStorage wrapper object.

Creates a local storage object that scopes all the keys using a prefix "Acme" and the application id. It then sets and gets an item called "setting1".

var myStorage,
if ( ) {
  myStorage ={ prefix: "Acme" });
  myStorage.setItem( "setting1", "on" );
  setting1 = myStorage.getItem( "setting1" );

(static) getScopedSessionStorage(options) → {sessionStorage}

Returns a thin wrapper around the sessionStorage object that scopes all keys to a prefix defined by the options parameter. If sessionStorage is not supported, the returned object can be used but has no effect, so it is not necessary to test for support using before calling this function.

Name Type Description
options Object An object used to define the scope of the session storage. This defines the storage key prefix used by the sessionStorage wrapper object.
Name Type Attributes Description
prefix string <optional>
A static prefix string to add to all keys. The default is an empty string.
useAppId boolean <optional>
Whether the application id will be included in the key. The default is true.
usePageId boolean <optional>
Whether the application page id will be included in the key. The default is false.
regionId string <optional>
An additional string to identify a region or other part of a page. The default is an empty string.
A sessionStorage wrapper object.

Creates a session storage object that scopes all the keys using a prefix "Acme" and the application id. It then sets and gets an item called "setting1".

var myStorage,
if ( ) {
  myStorage ={ prefix: "Acme" });
  myStorage.setItem( "setting1", "on" );
  setting1 = myStorage.getItem( "setting1" );

(static) hasLocalStorageSupport() → {boolean}

Returns true if the browser supports the local storage API and false otherwise. Most modern browsers support this feature but some allow the user to turn it off.

true if the browser supports the local storage API and false otherwise.

Sets the local storage "setting1" to on if local storage is supported by the browser.

var myStorage;
if ( ) {
  myStorage ={ prefix: "Acme" });
  myStorage.setItem( "setting1", "on" );

(static) hasSessionStorageSupport() → {boolean}

Returns true if the browser supports the session storage API and false otherwise. Most modern browsers support this feature but some allow the user to turn it off.

true if the browser supports the session storage API and false otherwise.

Sets the session storage "setting1" to on if session storage is supported by the browser.

var myStorage;
if ( ) {
  myStorage ={ prefix: "Acme" });
  myStorage.setItem( "setting1", "on" );

(static) setCookie(pName, pValue)

Sets a cookie to the specified value.

Name Type Description
pName string The name of the cookie.
pValue String The value to set the cookie to.

Sets the value APEX for the cookie TEST "TEST", "APEX" );

Type Definitions


A storage wrapper object. This object has the same properties and functions as the native browser Storage interface.

Name Type Description
prefix string APEX specific property. The prefix for this scoped storage object.
length number The number of items in the scoped storage object.
key function The key( n ) function returns the nth key in the scoped storage object.
getItem function The getItem( key ) function returns the value for the given key.
setItem function The setItem( key, data ) function sets the value of the given key to data.
removeItem function The removeItem( key ) function removes the given key.
clear function The clear function removes all keys from the scoped storage object.
sync function The APEX specific sync function. Use to ensure the length property is correct if keys may have been added or removed by means external to this object.