7.3.12 Commenting Out Page Components in Page Designer

Exclude or include page components at runtime using the Comment Out and Uncomment context menu option in Page Designer.


The Comment Out/Uncomment context menu options (and the underlying Commented Out build option) described in this topic are only available by default in new applications.

You can exclude application components at runtime by right-clicking the component in the Rendering tab and selecting Comment Out from the context menu. To include the component at runtime, select the page component again but this time select Uncomment from the context menu. The Comment Out and Uncomment context menu option appears in the Rendering tab, the Dynamic Actions tab, and the Processing Tab.

To exclude or include components in Page Designer using the Comment Out and Uncomment context menu options:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. To exclude a page component at runtime:
    1. In the Rendering tab, right-click the page component.
    2. From the context menu, select Comment Out.
      The Rendering tab displays the component with a line drawn through it, indicating the page component will be excluded at runtime.
  3. To include (or Uncomment) a page component:
    1. In the Rendering tab, right-click the component.
    2. From the context menu, select Uncomment.
      The line through component indicating it is excluded disappears.


The Comment Out and Uncomment context menu options are created from a build option named Commented Out. Applied build options display as a toggle in the Rendering tab tree context menu. To learn more, see Using Build Options to Control Configuration.