25.6 Using Build Options to Control Configuration

Use build options to conditionally include or exclude application components and functionality.

25.6.1 Copying or Subscribing to Build Options

Copy build options from the current application or from another application. When copying a build option from another app, you can also subscribe to it.

To copy or subscribe to build options:

  1. Navigate to the Build Options page.
    1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.
    2. Click the App Builder icon.
    3. Select an application.
    4. On the Application home page, click Shared Components.
    5. Under Application Logic, click Build Options.

      The Build Options page appears.

  2. To copy a build option within the current application:
    1. Search for the build option and click Copy in the Copy column.

      The Copy Build Option Wizard appears.


      To copy a build option from another app, click Copy from another app.
    2. New Build Option Name - Enter the name of the build option. This name must be unique within the application.
    3. Click Copy Build Option.
  3. To copy a build option from another application:
    1. From the Tasks region, click Copy from another app.
      The Copy Build Option Wizard appears.
    2. Application - Select the application from which you want to copy.
    3. Copy Build Option - Select the build option to copy.
    4. Subscribe - Set this flag to On to subscribe to the build option.
    5. Click Copy Build Option.