10.4.3 Creating a Map Using the Create Application Wizard

Run the Create Application Wizard to create a new application that contains a map page.


The Create Application Wizard only supports maps created a local database. To create maps based on an external data source, use the Create Page Wizard or add a map region in Page Designer. See Adding a Map Using the Create Page Wizard and Adding a Map Region in Page Designer.

To create a map using the Create Application Wizard:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
  2. Click Create.

    The wizard prompts you to select a method of creating an application.

  3. Click Use Create App Wizard.

    The Create an Application page appears.

  4. Set Icon - Click Set Icon to select an application icon. The icon you select is used as the Favicon, the PWA icon, the Apple touch icon, and the App Builder icon.
  5. Name - Enter the name used to identify the application to developers.
  6. Appearance - Accept the default Theme Style and menu layout (Vita, Side Menu), or change it by clicking the Set Appearance icon adjacent to the Appearance field.
  7. Click Add Page and select Map.
  8. On Create Map Page:
    1. Page Name - Enter a name for this page.
    2. Set Icon - Select an icon to display in the navigation menu for this page.
    3. Table - Select a table on which to build the map.
    4. Select the spatial geometry layer type. Options include:
      • Points - Points (for example, customer or supplier locations) are display as markers. The marker shape and color is configurable.
      • Lines - Lines represent features such as roads or paths. The stroke style and color is configurable.
      • Polygons - Polygons represent areas like parcels, states, or countries. The style and color are configurable for stroke and fill.
      • Heat Map - Heat Maps are used to visualize the point density. The more points that are clustered together, the more intense the color becomes. Use this option to visualize the spatial distribution of population or incidents.
      • Extruded Polygons - Display as three-dimensional, extruded, objects. The height of the 3D object visualizes a column value.
    5. Geometry Column Type - Select how spatial objects are sourced. Options include:
      • Geometry Column - Supported datatypes include SDO_GEOMETRY, VARCHAR2, or CLOB.

        VARCHAR2 and CLOB columns must contain geometry information in GeoJSON format.

      • Two Numeric Columns - These columns must contain longitude and latitude values. This option only applies to Point and Heat Map layers.
    6. What appears next depends upon the spatial objects (or geometries) and Geometry Type you select. Select the appropriate columns.
    7. Advanced - Expand Advanced to configure these options:
      • Set as Home Page - Enable this to make this page the home page for the application.
      • Set as Administration Page - Enable this to have this page display under Administration.
      • Page Help - Enter text to be displayed when the user selects Page Help.
    8. Click Add Page.
  9. Features - Select features to include with the application. Features provide application-level functionality and can only be added once per application. To learn more, click the Help icon adjacent to Features.
  10. Settings - Specify settings used to generate this application. To learn more about an attribute, click the Help icon adjacent to Settings.
  11. Click Create Application.
    The Application home page appears.
  12. Click Run Application to view the map.