16.8.4 Editing List Attributes

Edit a list in Shared Components.

Each list may contain any number of list entries. Edit the list to set the list name and list template. Editing a Static List

Edit a static list by selecting it on the Lists page in Shared Components.

Edit static list attributes on the List Details page. To edit a list entry, click the Edit icon adjacent to the list entry name.

To edit a static list:

  1. Navigate to the Lists page:
    1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.
    2. Click the App Builder icon.
    3. Select an application.
    4. On the Application home page, click Shared Components.
    5. Under Navigation and Search, click Lists.

      The Lists page appears. By default, the Lists page displays as a table. Note that the Type column identifies the list type as Dynamic or Static.

  2. Select a Static list.
    The List Details page appears.
  3. Name, Name - Defines the name for the list. Both numeric or alphanumeric list names are supported.
  4. List Entries - List entries display in a table. To edit a list entry, find the list entry Name and click the Edit icon.

    On the Create/Edit page, edit the List Entry attributes.

    1. Entry:
      • Entry, Parent List Entry - Identify the parent for this list entry. Use this attribute if you are creating a hierarchical list. To create a hierarchical list, you must select a list template that supports hierarchical lists.

        To determine which list templates support hierarchical lists, look for templates having the naming convention "with Sublist." For more information on hierarchical list item display, see list template item help.

      • Entry, Sequence - Specify the sequence for this component. The sequence determines the order of evaluation.

      • Entry, Image/Class - Identify an image file name or the icon class for the icon associated with this list entry. To learn more, see field-level Help.

      • Entry, Attributes - Identify the image attributes (such as width="12" height="12") for the list element image. Use the #LIST_LABEL# substitution string to reference the list label text. This substitution string allows for the title image attribute to be automatically set based on the value of the list label text. For example:


      • Entry, Alt Attribute - Identify the image alt attribute for the list element image. Use the #LIST_LABEL# substitution string to reference the list label text. This substitution string allows for the image alt attribute to be automatically set based on the value of the list label text. For example:


      • Entry, List Entry Label - Identify the text of the link. The display of this link text is controlled by list templates.
    2. Target, Target Type - Select a target type. Options include:
      • Page in this Application
      • URL

      The Target Type you select determines what attributes are editable. To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help.

    3. Subentries, List - Use this attribute when creating a hierarchical list. Identify the list populating subentries for this list entry.

      To create a hierarchical list, you must select a list template that supports hierarchical lists. To determine which list templates support hierarchical lists, look for templates having the naming convention "with Sublist." For more information on hierarchical list item display, see list template item help.

    4. Current List Entry, List Entry Current for Pages Type - Specify when this list entry should be current based on the page type. List items can be current or non-current. Current list items use the current template, non current list items use the non current list item template. The actual condition and templates are defined in subsequent attributes.
    5. Conditions, Condition Type - Select a condition type from the list that must be met in order for this component to be rendered processed.
    6. Authorization, Authorization Scheme - Optionally select an authorization scheme which must evaluate to TRUE in order for this component to be rendered or otherwise processed.
    7. Configuration, Build Option - Select a build option for this component. Build options are predefined settings that determine whether or not components within an application are enabled.
    8. Click Counting:
      • Click Counting, Count Clicks - If this is a link to an external page (for example www.google.com) you can count clicks.
      • Click Counting, Click Count Category - A category to classify the click.

      See COUNT_CLICK Procedure in Oracle APEX API Reference.

    9. User Defined Attributes - Specify the theme and list template and define additional attributes. Click Apply Changes to save your edits. To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help.
  5. Subscription:
    • Subscription, Reference Master List From - Select a master list to subscribe from. When you select a master list and click Apply Changes, the list details are automatically refreshed from the master list.
    • Subscription, Refresh List - If the list is already subscribed, the Refresh List button appears. Click Refresh List to refresh list details from the master list.
  6. Configuration, Build Option - From Build Option select a build option for this component. Build options are predefined settings that determine whether or not components within an application are enabled.
  7. Comments, Comments - Enter any comments or notes for developers.
  8. Click Apply Changes. Editing a Dynamic List

Edit a dynamic list by selecting it on the Lists page in Shared Components.

To edit a dynamic list:

  1. Navigate to the Lists page.
    1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.
    2. Click the App Builder icon.
    3. Select an application.
    4. On the Application home page, click Shared Components.
    5. Under Navigation and Search, click Lists.

      The Lists page appears. By default, the Lists page displays as a table and the Type column identifies the list type as Dynamic or Static.

  2. Select a dynamic list.
    The List Details page appears.
  3. Edit the list attributes.
  4. Name, Name - Defines the name for the list. Both numeric or alphanumeric list names are supported.
  5. List Query:
    1. List Query, Query Source Type - Select the query source type. Options include SQL Query or Function Returning a SQL Query.
    2. List Query, Query - Enter a list SQL Query or Function Returning a SQL Query to generate a dynamic list. To learn more and view examples, see field-level Help.
  6. Subscription:
    • Subscription, Reference Master List From - Select a master list to subscribe from. When you select a master list and click Apply Changes, the list details are automatically refreshed from the master list.
    • Subscription, Refresh List - If the list is already subscribed, the Refresh List button appears. Click Refresh List to refresh list details from the master list.
  7. Configuration, Build Option - From Build Option select a build option for this component. Build options are predefined settings that determine whether or not components within an application are enabled.
  8. Comments, Comments - Enter any comments or notes for developers.
  9. Click Apply Changes.