Using Custom Map Backgrounds

Use custom map backgrounds in a map regions, Display Map items, or Geocoded Address items. Applying a Map Background to a Map Region

Apply a map background to a map region in Page Designer.


This task assumes you have already created an application with a Display Map item and a custom map background as described in Creating a Custom Map Background.

To apply a map background to a map region:

  1. Create a custom map background as described in Creating a Custom Map Background.
  2. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears displaying Page attributes in the Property Editor (right pane).
  3. In the Rendering tab (left pane), select the Map region.
    The Property Editor (right pane) displays two tabs: Region and Attributes.
  4. In the Property Editor, click the Attributes tab.
  5. In the Map group, edit the following attributes:
    1. Map, Background - Select Shared Component.
      New attributes appear.
    2. Map, Standard - Select a map background defined in Shared Components.
    3. Map, Dark Mode - Select a Dark Mode option.
    4. Review and edit any other attributes as appropriate.
      To learn more about an attributes, select the attribute in Page Designer and select the Help tab.
  6. Click Save or Save and Run Page. Applying a Map Background to a Display Map Item

Apply a map background to a Display Map item in Page Designer.

A Display Map item a map based on coordinates in GeoJSON point format. See Managing Page Items and Display Map.


This task assumes you have already created an application with a Display Map item and a custom map background as described in Creating a Custom Map Background.

To apply a map background to a Display Map item:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears displaying Page attributes in the Property Editor (right pane).
  2. In the Rendering tab, select the Page Map item.
  3. In the Property Editor, Page Item tab:
    1. Settings, Background - Select Shared Component.
      New attributes appear.
    2. Settings, Custom Background - Select a map background defined in Shared Components.
    3. Review and edit any other attributes as appropriate.
      To learn more about an attributes, select the attribute in Page Designer and select the Help tab.
  4. Click Save or Save and Run Page. Configuring a Map Background for Geocoded Address Items

Configure a custom map background for Geocoded Address items in Component Settings, Geocoded Address.

A Geocoded Address item provides geocoding functionality that turns a postal address to a coordinate. To learn more, see Managing Page Items and Geocoded Address.


This task assumes you have already created an application with a Display Map item and a custom map background as described in Creating a Custom Map Background.
To configure a custom map background for Geocoded Address: items:
  1. Navigate to the Shared Components page:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.
    2. Select an application.
    3. On the Application home page, click Shared Components.

      The Shared Components page appears.

    Page Designer appears displaying Page attributes in the Property Editor (right pane).
  2. Under Other Components, click Component Settings.
  3. On the Component Settings page, click Geocoded Address.
  4. Background - Select Shared Component.
  5. Custom Background - Only displays if Background is set to Shared Component. Select a background map to use.
  6. Click Apply Changes.