20.10 Workflow Substitution Strings

Lists available workflow substitution strings.

Substitution Strings are used to pass information about a workflow to an Oracle APEX page.

You can use workflow substitution strings to pass information about a workflow instance to an APEX page. For example, you might want to show different regions in the workflow details page depending on the workflow instance state.

Substitution String Syntax Description
APEX$WORKFLOW_ACTIVITY_ID The ID of the workflow activity instance currently being executed by the workflow
APEX$WORKFLOW_CREATED_ON The timestamp for workflow creation in YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.FF3TZH:TZM format.
APEX$WORKFLOW_DETAIL_PK The primary key value of the system of records that are the source for this workflow. The source is defined in the workflow versions. APEX$WORKFLOW_DETAIL_PK can be used as a bind variable in any PL/SQL query used by workflow activities, variables, and participants. When used as a bind variable, the syntax is :APEX$WORKFLOW_DETAIL_PK.
APEX$WORKFLOW_ID The workflow instance ID.
APEX$WORKFLOW_INITIATOR The user who initiated the workflow. This defaults to the logged-in user who runs the application that starts a new workflow.
APEX$WORKFLOW_STATE The workflow instance's current state.