20.11 Workflow Views

Learn about workflow metadata views and workflow runtime views.

20.11.1 Workflow Metadata Views

A list of workflow metadata views.

View Name Description
APEX_APPL_WORKFLOWS Workflow definitions, including static ID of workflow.
APEX_APPL_WORKFLOW_VERSIONS Workflow definition versions.
APEX_APPL_WORKFLOW_ACTIVITIES Workflow activity definitions.
APEX_APPL_WORKFLOW_TRANSITIONS Workflow transitions between activities.
APEX_APPL_WORKFLOW_BRANCHES Workflow branches going out of a switch activity.
APEX_APPL_WORKFLOW_VARIABLES Workflow variable definitions.
APEX_APPL_WORKFLOW_ACT_VARS Workflow activity variable definitions.
APEX_APPL_WORKFLOW_PARAMS Workflow parameter definitions.
APEX_APPL_WORKFLOW_PARTICIPANT Workflow participant definitions.
APEX_APPL_WORKFLOW_COMP_PARAMS Workflow component parameters for Page Designer.

20.11.2 Workflow Runtime Views

A list of workflow runtime views.

View Name Description
APEX_WORKFLOWS Workflow instances with references to the workflow definition.
APEX_WORKFLOW_ACTIVITIES Workflow activity instances with references to the workflow activity definition.
APEX_WORKFLOW_PARAMETERS Workflow parameter values with information about the parameter value static ID, data type, and format mask.
APEX_WORKFLOW_VARIABLES Workflow variable values with information about the variable value static ID, data type, and format mask.
APEX_WORKLFOW_ACTIVITY_VARS Workflow activity variable values with information about the activity variable value static ID, data type, and format mask.
APEX_WORKFLOW_PARTICIPANTS Workflow participant values.
APEX_WORKFLOW_AUDIT Workflow audit log for workflow instances.