7 Desupported Features

Desupported features are no longer available. If a desupported feature has to do with application metadata or APIs, then existing applications may not work as they did previously. Oracle recommends modifying the application to replace the feature.

7.1 Desupported Utilities

The APEXExport utility is desupported and is no longer included with Oracle APEX. Oracle recommends using SQLcl to perform export operations.

7.2 Querying Template Component Metadata

For template components only, the ATTRIBUTE_01...ATTRIBUTE_25 columns of APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_REGIONS and APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_IR_COL public views now return null.

Instead, use the new ATTRIBUTES column that stores a JSON object of all attribute values. Use the attribute's Static ID as the object key. Note that a table alias is always needed when using the JSON dot notation. For example:
select r.attributes.COLOR
  from apex_application_page_regions r
 where r.application_id = 100
   and r.page_id        = 1
   and r.static_id      = 'user_badge';