5.3 About Unified Task Lists

Unified Task Lists allow you to see a summary of your tasks.

Unified Task Lists allow you to see a summary of your tasks, similar to an inbox. Although the name and exact configuration of a task list is specific to the application you're using, there are different Report Contexts available:
  • Initiated by Me - For any tasks where you are the Initiator. You can update the task priority, cancel the task, or submit information on the task.
  • My Tasks - For any tasks where you are a Potential or Actual Owner. You can claim tasks, approve, reject, or complete tasks, request information on tasks, or update task parameters.
  • Admin Tasks - For any tasks where you are the Business Administrator. You can update the task priority, delegate the task, add or remove participants, update task parameters, or renew the task.

In the Sample Workflows, Approvals, and Tasks app, the My Tasks context is represented by the My Approvals page, the Admin Tasks context by the Approvals Administration page, and the Initiated by Me context by the My Requests page. Depending on your role, you may not be able to see all pages in the application.

5.3.1 Searching for a Task

Learn how to search for specific tasks using filters.

  1. Open the application.
  2. Access the appropriate Unified Task List. For the Sample Workflows, Approvals, and Tasks app, the task list with tasks assigned to you is called My Tasks.
  3. In the Search bar, you can:
    1. Type the search criteria into the search bar
    2. Select a suggestion chip from the dropdown, and choose criteria for the search.
    3. Select whether or not to show expired tasks (Business Administrator only).
The search results automatically update, displaying the results.

See Also:

Example Smart Filters in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide