5.4.1 Getting Started with Quick SQL

Learn about common Quick SQL use cases and the basic rules of Quick SQL shorthand syntax. Web Server Requirements

Learn about web server requirements for Quick SQL.

Quick SQL requires Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) 23.3.0 or later. About Quick SQL

Quickly develop a script for simple tables and views.

Quick SQL provides a quick way to generate the SQL required to create a relational data model from an indented text document.

Quick SQL is designed to reduce the time and effort required to create SQL tables, triggers, and index structures. This tool is not designed to be a replacement for data modeling. Instead, Quick SQL is simply a quick way to develop a script for simple tables and views. Once you have generate the SQL, you can then tweak and expand it.

Quick SQL Use Cases include:

  • Quickly create robust data models

  • Easily generate random data

  • View syntax using provided examples and learn syntax for create table, select, insert, index, trigger, and PL/SQL package About Quick SQL Shorthand Syntax

Use Quick SQL shorthand syntax to generate the SQL from an indented text document.

Rules for using Quick SQL shorthand syntax include:

  • Parent table names - Enter parent table names without any indention.
  • Table column names - Enter table columns with a uniform indention of two or more spaces.
  • Parent/child relationships - Create parent child relationships by indenting child tables under parent tables. Indent the child tables to the same level as the columns in the parent table.


As a best practice, do not specify primary keys, the system generates them for you.


To learn more about Quick SQL shorthand syntax, click Help at the top of the Quick SQL Shorthand pane.

About Settings

To view and configure generation options, click the Settings button. You can automatically add Audit columns which indicate who created or last updated a given row and when. You can add a Row Version column that automatically increments by one on each row update. A Row Version can be useful to simplify lost update detection. You can also generate a PL/SQL API which provides a package per table and provides procedures to query, insert, update, and delete rows. Some applications benefit by having each change captured in a history table, logging of old and new values, which is also an option.