8.8.11 Linking to Interactive Grid Reports

Developers can use the syntax in the Request value and ItemNames section of the URL to link to interactive grid report.

Data in an interactive grid is driven by declarative filters. Developer can set report parameters by modifying interactive grid report settings for an end user. However, these settings only affect the end user's working report and do not affect any saved report settings. Developers can use the syntax described in this section to link to interactive grid reports.


When you add additional interactive grid report regions, be sure to change the old single interactive grid report link syntax. Otherwise, the link generates an error. A link to a page with more than one interactive grid report region, the request or name syntax needs to fully qualify with region static ID. To open a link to an interactive grid report from outside of an application (for example, from an email), you may need to enable the Session Management, Deep Linking attribute in your application. See Session Management. Interactive Grid Request Syntax

Learn about interactive grid request syntax.

To link to a specific saved interactive grid report, use the following Request syntax:

IG[region static ID]_<report_alias>

Consider the following example:



The use of Request in the URL is optional. To link to multiple saved reports, separate each Request with comma.

Passing Values for DATE and TIMESTAMP Columns

For interactive grids, the value for DATE or TIMESTAMP columns must be passed in canonical format without blanks or separators. Use the following syntax:


Consider the following example:

IG[EMP]EQ_HIREDATE = 19811117000000 Interactive Grid Name and Value Syntax

Learn about interactive grid name and value syntax.

To create a filter, use the following itemNames and itemValues syntax:

IG[region static ID]<operator>_<target column alias>

Consider the following example:



If there is only one interactive grid report region on the page, the itemName does not need to be fully qualified with the region static ID. If an operator is not defined, a filter with equal operator is added.

To create a filter on an interactive grid report in a link, use the itemNames syntax described previously and add the filter value in the corresponding location in the item names section of the URL.

To create row text which contains a filter on an interactive grid, use ROWFILTER as the target column alias in the item name syntax and add a filter value in the item itemValues of the URL. The link will add a Row Text Contains filter which searches all columns displayed in the report with type STRING or NUMBER.

Consider the following example:


Valid operators include:

  • C = Contains

  • EQ = Equals (this is the default)

  • GTE = Greater than or equal to

  • GT = Greater Than

  • LT = Less than

  • LTE = Less than or equal to

  • N = Null

  • NC = Not Contains

  • NEQ = Not Equals

  • NN = Not Null

  • NIN = Not In (escape the comma separated values with a leading and trailing backslash, \)

  • IN = In (escape the comma separated values with a leading and trailing backslash, \)

  • ROWFILTER = Row Text Contains (this searches all columns displayed in the report with type STRING or NUMBER) Interactive Grid ClearCache Syntax

Learn about interactive grid clearcache syntax.


Using ClearCache without specifying a saved report alias in the Request, clears the primary default report. To clear a specific interactive grid report region on a page with more than one interactive grid reports, specify the region static ID along with saved report alias in the Request.

Use the following syntax in the ClearCache section of the URL to reset or clear pagination in an interactive grid report:

  • RR - Resets an interactive grid report. This is equivalent to the end user choosing the Reset option from the interactive grid report Actions menu on the target page. The report is returned to the default report settings specified by the developer or saved by the user.

  • CR - Clears interactive grid report. This clears all of the report filters. Restrictions When Linking to Interactive Grid Reports

Learn about restrictions when linking to interactive grids.

When linking to interactive grid reports, remember the following restrictions:

  1. If a Request value is not defined in the URL, all of the primary default report settings will change.

  2. If a Request value is not defined and itemNames section does not include a fully qualified filter column name with region static ID, an error occurs if there are more than one interactive grid report in the target page.

  3. If a Request value is not defined and itemNames section do not include a fully qualified filter column name with region static ID, it will create a filter on the primary default report if there is only one interactive grid report region in the target page. Valid Interactive Grid Linking Examples

View valid linking examples.

Valid Linking Example 1

This example includes a link with no Request value, but includes a qualified filter column with region static ID in the itemNames section of the URL. This example creates a filter on the primary default report in the referenced region item name.


Valid Linking Example 2

In this example the link has no Request value. The clear cache section has RR or CR and will reset, or clear the primary default reports of all interactive grid report regions.

f?p=&APP_ID.:1:&SESSION.:::RR: Invalid Interactive Grid Linking Examples

View invalid linking examples.

Invalid Linking Example 1

This link has no Request value and does not include a fully qualified filter column with region static ID in the item name section of the URL. This example generates an error if there is more than one interactive grid report region in the target page.


Invalid Linking Example 2

This example has a link with two request values separated by commas and does not contain a fully qualified filter column with region static ID in the item name section of the URL. This example generates an error since it is not clear where the filter needs to be created.

f?p=&APP_ID.:2:&SESSION.:IG[test]_employee,IG[test2]_dept10:::ENAME:KING Linking to Shared Interactive Grid Reports

learn about linking to shared interactive grid reports.

You can link to saved primary default, alternative default, and public reports using IG[region static ID]_<report_alias> in the Request value of the URL. Editing the Interactive Grid Saved Report Alias

Edit the Alias for a saved reports to create a more meaningful URL link to the saved report.

To edit the Alias for saved reports:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, find the region containing the report.
  3. Under the region, expand Saved Reports and select the saved report.
    The Property Editor displays the attributes for the Saved Report.
  4. Identification, Alias - Enter a new alias for the report. Use this alias to define a more meaningful URL link to this saved report. This link can be used to link directly from elsewhere in the application.
  5. Link, Link Example - View the URL link for this saved report. This attribute is view only and cannot be updated. Use this attribute to quickly copy the displayed URL. This URL can be used to link directly to this particular saved report from anywhere else in the application.
  6. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Link Examples to a Primary Report

View examples that demonstrate how to link to a primary report.

The following examples demonstrate how to link to a primary report (report_alias=PRIMARY):

This example links to a primary report:


This example links, resets, and clears primary report settings:


This example links, resets, and clears primary report settings. It additionally creates a ENAME = 'KING' filter on the primary report:

f?p=100:1:&APP_SESSION.:IG_PRIMARY::RR,CR:IG_ENAME:KING Link Examples to Saved Reports

View examples that demonstrate how to link to a saved report.

The following examples demonstrate how to link to a saved report (report_alias=12345):

This example links to a saved report:


This example links, resets, and clears settings for saved report 12345:


This example links, resets, and clears saved report 12345 settings. It additionally creates a ENAME = 'KING' filter on saved report 12345.
