20.14.3 Managing Unified Task Lists

The Unified Task List allows workspace users to view and manage their tasks. About Unified Task Lists

Learn about the types of Unified Task Lists available, including My Tasks for potential task owners, Admin Tasks for business administrators, and Initiated by Me for task initiators.

The Unified Task List allows users to view, action, or edit task instances. When you configure the Unified Task List, you have different Report Contexts to choose from:
  • My Tasks, for users who are potential or actual owners of tasks.
    • Shows all tasks that are either Assigned to the user or Unassigned with the user as a potential owner. Tasks that are approved, rejected, or completed do not show in the list.
    • Sorts by descending creation date, with newly created tasks at the top of the list.
  • Admin Tasks, for users who are business administrators of tasks.
    • Shows all tasks that list the user as a business administrator, including Errored, Completed, and Canceled tasks. Expired tasks only show if the user selects Show expired tasks.
  • Initiated by Me, for users who have initiated tasks.
    • Shows all tasks that the user has initiated.

The Unified Task List can be in the same application as one of the task definitions or a completely separate application in the same workspace. If the Unified Task List is in a separate application, you must configure session sharing so users can still open the task details. Creating Unified Task Lists

Create a Unified Task List using the Create Page Wizard.

To create a Unified Task List:

  1. Open the Create Page Wizard.
    1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.
    2. Select the application that needs a Unified Task List.
    3. On the Application home page, select Create Page.
      The Create Page Wizard appears.
  2. Under Components, select Unified Task List.
  3. For Page Definition, set the following:
    1. Page Number - An integer value that identifies a page within an application.
    2. Name - Specify a text name for this page. The same text is also used for the page title.
      After page creation, the title can be modified using Page Designer.
    3. Report Context - Select My Tasks. Admin Tasks, or Initiated by Me.
      My Tasks is for the potential and actual task owners. Admin Tasks is for the business administrators. Initiated by Me is for users who initiate tasks.
  4. Navigation - Expand the region and enable or disable navigation. If either flag is enabled, additional attributes appear. To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help.
    1. Use Breadcrumb - Enable to create a breadcrumb entry for this page. By default, the page name is used as breadcrumb entry name.
    2. Use Navigation - Enable to create a navigation menu entry for this page.By default, the page name is used as navigation menu name.
  5. Select Create Page.
The Unified Task List opens in Page Designer. Editing Unified Task Lists

Edit a Unified Task List using Page Designer.

To edit a Unified Task List:

  1. Open the Unified Task List in Page Designer.
    1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.
    2. Select the application that contains the Unified Task List.
    3. On the Application home page, select the Unified Task List page you want to edit.
  2. Edit the Unified Task List.
  3. Select Save or Save and Run Page to save changes.